The Sleepover Part 2

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Whenever they played among us, something weird would occur they would end up they end up playing for hours but that wasnt the weird part the weird part was that they would sometimes meet old friends they used to play with before, but then before they knew it they would get kicked from the server, but then we'd go into a rage because we just wanted to talk to our old pals. Eventually we'd get over it but we'd still be mad...So eventually the actual sleeping part of the sleepover was about to begin, but then Rosie got hit with an idea to do an allnighter, so she told Ewan about the idea,
"Ewan, how about we try and stay up for as long as we can?"
and he was up to it so Ewan replied,
So they got everything set up and waited till everyone else went to sleep to start, but before they went to bed they had took some snacks from the cupboard   and the fridge, then Rosie got her phone fully charged so they could watch/play stuff all night. So when the actual night came they got all ready for the night ahead of them. So when everyone eventually went to sleep Rosie checked to make sure Ewan was awake so she whispered,
"Ewan...are you awake?".
No reply... He probabaly fell asleep when his head hit the pillow, Ewan falls asleep easily. So Rosie just watched anime all night while Ewan got a good nights sleep.                                                                            

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