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After that weird event they all went to their classes thinking everyone would be fine. Little did Ewan know they were more then just fine with him. They were proud of him. So proud they decided to throw a mini party at the park at lunch to celebrate. They all rushed over to the park before anyone could see them, so that they could get everything ready. They had banners on the climbing wall and the castle, some food on the benches (because he usually asks for their food anyway) They had gay party games that were set out across the park. The time came when they had to call him to tell them were they were there so that he could find them.

When he finally arrived on time, he was so shocked because he thought everyone left him. He didn't think anyone would accept him, but as a matter of fact, as he can see, that wasn't the case. They threw him the best coming out party you could probably get with little supplies and a short amount of time since it was lunch time. We were still in high school. It was pretty sad to hear that we had to go because the bell was about to go, and none of us liked to be late.

We all bolted to the school gates to get inside, but none of us were really sure what class we were in so we took quick stop to check what classes we were in.
Ewan and Allegria were in science. Keira and Beth were in Art. Aimie was in Techi, and Rosie was in Home Ec. Everyone was excited for their next class except Rosie because she wasn't cooking and doesn't know how to sew. We all comforted her while we all fast walked down the hallway to the stairs, except from Aimie, who was on the ground floor. We said goodbye, then rushed up the first floor were they lost Rosie, (they wished her the best of luck), and said our goodbyes. Finally they reached the top floor, where they went their separate ways to head to their classrooms.

Eventually the bell went and everyone escaped from there classes. They were all on their way home, but Ewan, who usually waits for his friends so that he isn't lonely walking home met his best pal Rosie who appeared ready to walk home with him and she made sure they had everything, then left...

                                                                                                                         To Be Continued...

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