Coming out

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There once was a boy called Ewan, who had trouble fitting in with everyone because of his sexuality. Somehow, on the morning of Christmas everything changed. Everyone started talking to him and started to take an interest in him. Everything was great. He finally had normal friends, normal lessons, and a normal life... or so he thought.

Just when he thought he got his life back on track, it was like God hit him with a gigantic obstacle course that he had to complete for everyone to except him. He would then be finally appreciated by everyone. That's how his life went for the past five years.
On his most recent birthday, he turned 13. He was ready to announce to his family about his sexuality. He was really nervous to tell his family, so he got some cards and wrote down exactly what he wanted to say. He rehearsed over and over again but still couldnt get the right words out.

Eventually the big event came for him to spill the tea about his sexuality. Ewan got everyone's attention and said "Attention, Everyone I would like to announce something. Ok, um everyone I, Ewan Wilson, I'm gay!". Everyone stayed quiet for a while before anyone said anything. The first to talk was his mum... "Im so proud of you!"
Next was his big Sister who said "Not Suprised". His Dad was the last to say..."Why is it always the weird ones?..."

The next day he went to school, a proud teenager, about to tell all of his friends he was gay. "Guys, I have something to tell you. So as you know last night I was announcing to my parents something very important, and now im going to tell  you what I told them...*sigh*..ok here we go."

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