The Sleepover

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We start our walk to the primary school across the bridge, because Rosie usually gets picked up from the primary school, but this time Ewan came up with an idea since it was friday and our schedules were empty the whole weekend, "Do you want to come round to mine for a sleepover?" Ewan said, "I'll ask my mum", Rosie replied. We walked to the primary school and as usual Rosies mum was there waiting. "Mum?.." Rosie said, "Yeah", Rosies mum replied, "Can I stay at Ewans for a sleepover?", "Sure.", Rosies mum answered. They both celebrated and started walking to Ewans house. When they finally got to the house Rosie was welcomed into the house, because shes usually at his everyday to walk with him. She was like family. They went upstairs to put there stuff down and get changed (in seperate rooms). Then went out to the tree swing (this is were they usually go when they hang out, and if there lucky before hand if Rosie brings money they go to the shop to get 'supplies'), but when they were about to get there they heard some voices, they turned round to check and it was some little ones from there old primary that they used to go to before they went to highschool, most of them knew Ewan and Rosie, but some were just friends of theres.

When theres someone else is there at the treeswing they usually like to show off what they've practised to impress them. Then when they get bored of the treeswing they go to this tree that there able to climb to top of the tree and its the best view ever, some branches and some houses and street lamps and most importantly the amazing sky view. When you get up there though it kinda scary if its windy cause the top is quite skinny and it wobbles a lot. Since it wasnt windy enough that day when we got up the tree it was even windier. So we eventually got down and went back to his house and vibed to Levi Scented Lust (which is an actual song look it up), until dinner was ready so we went down and realised it was a feast to celebrate him coming out. The feast turned out great there was steak, fish, soup, cake, muffins, and rainbow fruit.

Sadly the next day Rosie had to go home so they said there goodbyes and Rosie left. On the car ride home they just kept texting eachother that they'd plan something else to do some other time. So the day went on as normal, they did some of the housework at there houses, facetimed with everyone to see if anyone wanted to play among us and sometimes everyone would be able to play, but sometimes it would just be 1 or 2. They sometimes played for minutes but sometimes it would be hours. Then something would happen...

You wont belive what happens next stay tuned

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