Chapter 1

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"5 of those white roses please" the customer says pointing over to the white roses.

"Here you go" I say as I pack up the flowers and give them to him taking the cash he was giving me.

I look over to the clock on the wall and close up the shop and leave to go home.

"Hey Esther" my dad says over the phone when I pick up the phone call. I sit at the red light and wait for it to turn green as my dad talks.

"Hey, what's up?" I ask him.

"Can you do a job tonight?" He asks me and the traffic light turns green and I start to drive.

"Yeah, what is it?" I ask him as I try to shift gears and hold my phone with my shoulder.

"I need you to take out a hit" he says with his deep and serious voice.

My dad is the boss of the biggest mafia in Italy and one of the biggest ones in the world, he and my mom raised me and my brother in the mafia and now that me and my brother are grown up we take part in it. By day we work basic jobs and by night we are the mafia. That's why my name Esther Marie Lucarelli is only know to few and for the rest I am Marie Moore.

"Okay, send me the details and I'll do it" I say to my dad and we say our goodbyes before we hang up.

I pull up to my driveway and park my car. I get all the stuff out of my car and go to walk inside.

"Mike I'm home" I scream as I enter the house letting my boyfriend know that I'm home. I place all my bags down and go to see where he was.

He was playing games on Xbox again so I just give him a kiss and walk to my closet to check my guns. Mike didn't know Esther he only knew Marie so to him I was a regular girl who worked as a florist.

I keep all my 'family business' stuff in my closet behind a safe which you could only find if you really went through all my closet so Mike didn't even know I had a safe here as he would be too lazy to snoop around.

"Do you want dinner?" I ask him as I walk back in the living room and he doesn't hear me over the headphones he was wearing so I walk over and take one off his ear making him look at me with a confused look.

"I asked if you want dinner?" I ask again now that his attention was on me.

"Yeah sure" he says and goes back to his game.

I walk in the kitchen with my dogs following me and I go to feed them first.

I prepare some quick meal and call Mike to eat.

"So how was work today?" He asks me.

"Good" I simply reply as I chew down on some food.

"Are you working tomorrow?" I ask him about his work.

"I have a night shift so I'll be leaving in 2 hours" he says and looks over to the clock.

"Okay" I say and we quietly finish our food.

I watch some TV while my dogs cuddle me and Mike gets ready for work. I had to wait until he leaves so I could go out unnoticed.

"Okay I'm leaving, gonna see you tomorrow morning" he says and comes over to place a kiss on my lips.

I wait as I see his car leave the drive way and just then I get up and turn off the tv. I go in my closet and put on some normal clothes and take my gun and put it in a bag. I lock up the house and go to my car.

I text my dad that I'm on the way letting him know that I was out to do the job.

I drive to the address he had given me. And set up on one of the near by rooftops of the building. There was going to be happening some human trafficking and me and my family worked hard to take these people down and tonight it was my turn to take the hit.

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