Chapter 10

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''What?'' My dad freaks out and jumps up from the chair he was sitting on.

''Dad, Renzo is joking'' I say trying to calm down my father.

''He's forcing her to get married to him or he'll send her to prison'' My brother keeps talking.

''Sorry Esther, but I'm not gonna stand him treating you like this'' My brother turns to face me and I know his intentions were good but now it will only be harder for me.

''Is this true Esther?'' My mom asks and pulls m dad closer to her.

''Yes it's true, but don't start, I got us into this mess and I'm going to get us out of it'' I say and look at my dad and mom.

''I'm not letting you marry that fucker'' My dad says furious and points his finger at me as if he's warning me not to do it.

''I marry him or we all get sent to prison, there's no other way'' I say and shrug my shoulders.

''There's always another way'' My mom says.

''Well this time there isn't and it's happening weather you like it or not'' I say and stand up.

''Mike is a dead person walking, so don't worry I just need to get everything sorted first'' I say and leave to go back to the house.

I'm sure my dad will try to find a way to get me out of this but there really isn't and I need to do this to save my family. Tomorrow I'm going to see Mike.

I walk up to the room I was staying in and go to sleep. I was already dreading what was about to come but I felt more stronger now and I knew my family would back me up if something went wrong and that made me feel safer.

The next day

I get out of the car with my dogs and walk to my house. I reach the door and take out the keys from my purse. I unlock the door and just as I walk in I am greeted by Mike. It almost felt like he had been sitting by the window for the past month and waited for me to come back.

''Look who decided to show up'' He says and leans against the wall. I let the dogs free of their leash and take off my shoes.

''Didn't miss your fiance?'' He speaks again and I just give him a deathly glare.

''Come on baby, we're not who we used to be'' He says and walks closer to me but still keeping some distance.

''You lost me the day you hit me and forced me to marry you'' I say not making eye contact with him.

''Come on Marie, I love you'' He says and touches my shoulder but I pull away.

''I swear to God if you touch me Mike I won't hesitate putting a bullet in your head and I don't care if I have to spend the rest of my life behind bars'' I say and push past him and walk deeper into the house carrying my bag.

''Fine I won't touch you but this marriage is still happening'' He shouts as I walk in the bedroom and shut the doors closed.

I unpack my stuff and change my clothes before I walk back out of the bedroom and go to put on my shoes and a jacket.

''Where do you think you're going?'' Mike asks and walks to see what I was doing.

''It's none of your business'I say as I put on my coat.

''We talked about the terms you had to follow Marie'' He says and I try to not just shoot him right here right now.

''I'm not a dog I won't be following none of your rules'' I say and walk out of the house before he could say anything else.

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