Chapter 9

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2 weeks later

I stand on the terrace of the house while the warm autumn breeze running through my hair as I look at the sea and listen to the waves. It always surprised me how much the weather in Sicily differed from Italy. By now there probably would be a lot of rain in Italy because it was autumn but here in Sicily it was still sunny and warm as it would be summer.

I called my dogs and walked down to the sea to have a morning swim. I wondered what everyone was doing back home, I missed my family like crazy but I knew if I returned then I would have to stay with Mike and I was not up for that. I let the waves of the sea float me while I looked up to the sky and wondered what my life had come to.

Third person's POV:

''Where the hell is my sister'' Renzo had barged into his parents office screaming and demanding answers.

''We're trying to find her Renzo'' His mom tries to calm down her son as he paces around.

Everyone's been on the edge since Esther went off the radar, it was like she had vanished in thin air. Her phone was found in a trash can in the city and there was no other trace to look after.

''It doesn't make sense, she goes on a killing spree killing 15 terrible people and then goes off the radar'' Renzo falls back into the sofa frustrated.

''Listen, we are doing everything we can to find her, don't you forget I raised her and she knows damn well how to leave no trace behind her'' His dad says and stands up from his chair straightening his jacket.

''And if she wants to disappear she knows damn well how to'' Riccardo, Renzo's and Esther's dad, says and walks over to the window in his office and looks out of it.

''There's one more person who could help us'' Esther's mom speaks up looking over to her husband and then to her son.

''I already had a talk with that cop, he says he doesn't know anything'' Renzo speaks up.

''Said he wanted to report her as missing at the police station but I made sure that he doesn't even think of doing that'' Renzo continuous.

''We need to call the Perez's'' Renzo's mom says and goes to sit in her husbands leather chair.

Both of the men look at her confused and she just goes to take her out her phone and a peace of paper on which she had a number written. She types the number on her phone and presses 'call'.

Somewhere In Spain

In a dimply lit office a young man sits in his chair and holds a glass of whiskey in his hands. He isn't seeing anyone, he wants to be left alone, and he made sure of that.

''Boss'' A man dares to open the doors to his office and speak up to him.

''I think I made myself clear when I said I don't want to see anybody'' The boss growls and turns with his chair to see the man who had disturbed his peace.

''I know, but you might want to take this'' The man says and lifts up a phone showing it to his boss. ''It's coming from Italy, Lucarelli's to be specific'' The man says and Nicolas sits up straight in his chair.

''Give me the phone'' Nicolas growls and reaches his hand out to be handed the phone.

''Nicolas Perez speaking'' He greets himself over the phone.

''Nicolas this is Haley, Esther's mother, I'm sorry to disturb you but me and my family was wondering if you have had any contact with Esther in the past two weeks?'' A woman's soft voice speaks over the phone her voice sounding worried.

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