Chapter 15

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We walk to where the ceremony was and my dad greets me right before the big double doors of the ballroom where the wedding was happening.

"Ready princess?" My dad asks as I stand next to him and take his elbow.

"Let's get this over with" I say and just stare at the white doors in front of us.

I hear the music start to play and the doors open. Everybody stands up from their seats and looks at me. I see Mike and he had a big smile on his face.

My dad walks me down the aisle and right before he gives me to Mike he pulls me in a hug.

"Make sure he sighs the papers" my dad whispers to me and pulls away from the hug. I only give him a quick confused look as I don't understand what he meant.

I walk to stand in front of Mike and he goes to take my hands but I don't give them to him and just hold on to my bouquet.

I look behind me to see Alora stand behind me with the envelope in her hands and behind her stands two of my other bridesmaids.

"Ladies and gentleman today we are gathered here to celebrate the union of Esther Lucarelli and Mike Trevor" the priest says.

"Mike do you have Esther to be your wife and promise to love her, honour her, comfort and cherish her. Keep her in sickness and health for as long as you both shall live?" The priest says and looks at Mike.

"I do" Mike says and gives me a smile that I want to smack off of his face.

Then the priest repeats the same lines for me asking me to take Mike as my husband.

"I do" I say and look to see Mike.

Our flower girl brings us our rings and we put them on wash other fingers and then the priest ask us to sign some documents regarding becoming married.

"And with that beings said I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss your bride now" the priest says and Mike takes a step closer to me and kisses me. I heard the crowd cheer and I pull away from the kiss.

"While we're all still here" my dad says and stands up from his seat walking over to us and buttoning his suit's jacket.

"Mike you just signed a document confessing that you were the one to put my daughters picture on the case and also confessing to stealing from us" my dad says and I look over to Mike who's face goes pale.

"But I didn't do any of that" Mike pleads with us.

"It doesn't matter because you just signed an official document saying you did and we can take this to court and put you in prison if you don't take the case down" my dad says with a deep satisfaction in his voice.

"Fine I'll take the case down, I was going to do it anyway as we are now married" Mike says and wants to come near me.

"Actually" I say and look over to Alora.

"Give me the envelope" I ask her and she gives it to me.

"I was able to go to Las Vegas, Nevada in the last four days and none of you noticed" I say and open the envelope.

"And I got legally married there so our marriage is illegal" I say and show him the marriage license me and Nicolas got.

I see as everyone's faces turn to pure shock. They definitely didn't expect a wedding like this.

"You're lying" Mike says and pulls the marriage license out of my hands.

"Esther are you serious?" My dad asks me.

"Yes I'm serious" I say and take the marriage license from Mike.

"Now excuse me please" I say and push past my dad and Mike and walk outside of the ballroom while everyone looks as I leave.

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