Chapter 2

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''Are you coming to bed?'' I ask Mike as it was already late and I had to go take out a hit tonight.

''Yeah, I'll just quickly grab a shower'' He says and turns off the TV and goes to take a shower.

I lay in bed and watch my phone until Mike comes to bed and pet one of my dogs who had hopped in bed and put his head in my lap.

''You know that I don't like dogs on the bed'' Mike says as he walks out of the bathroom and I put my phone away looking at him.

''Okay, Out!'' I say pointing to the floor and my dog gets up and jumps off the bed and lays on the floor next to the other dog right beside my side of the bed.

"I missed you today" Mike says as he gets in the bed besides me and pulls me closer to him.

"I missed you too" I return his words snuggling closer to him.

He rolled me over so that I would be facing him now and started to kiss me. The kiss turned into a make out and then I remember that I had a job to do today.

"I'm sorry, not tonight, I'm really tired" I said stoping him and he gave me one last kiss and rolled me back to my side of bed cuddling me and I waited until he fell asleep.

He had been out for a while now so I slowly got out of the bed and walked into the closet taking all my stuff and putting on my clothes.

I drove to the address that my dad had sent me and I went to set up somewhere where it would be easy to take the hit.

"You spying on me miss Lucarelli?" A voice I've heard before speaks when I walk around the dark corner of a building where I had planned to set up. Nicolas was here.

"In your dreams" I reply teasingly and stand in the same spot frozen.

"So taking out somebody again?" He asks me and lights a cigarette.

"Yeah, something like that" I say and walk over to him to see better what was going on.

"So which one do you want?" He asks me looking over to the spot where the trafficker would meet the buyer.

"The trafficker" I say as I open my bag and pull out the gun I use for hits.

"You know I was pretty impressed last time" he says and leans back on the wall behind him.

"Impressed?" I ask confused by what he meant.

"Yeah, you have a good aim" he says and puts out his cigarette.

"I know" I simply reply and I could feel my body tense up just from being so close to him. I couldn't explain what I was feeling but I knew it was right.

"Here they are" I say and he quickly turns serious and takes his gun.

"Ready?" He asks me.

"Always" I say smirking and we both take the shot at the same time like previously.

"Good one Mr.Perez" I slight giggle and put the gun back in the bag. We stand there both of us not knowing what to do next but the silence doesn't feel awkward.

"So Lucarelli fancy helping me with another job?" He then speaks up.

"Tell me more" I say as I pick up my bag and look at him.

"There's this shitty guy, he tries to sell children, gonna be at a strip club tonight" he says looking me in the eyes and I felt so intimidated, and as much as I wanted to stay away from him my heart was telling me not to.

"How long will it take?" I ask him remembering that I need to get back before Mike wakes up.

"Two hours tops" he says and before I could even think about it I had already spoken.

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