Chapter 20

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''What the hell are you doing here?'' I ask annoyed.

''Well you're in my house so why wouldn't I be here'' He simply says as nothing has happened.

''It was you I left the wedding with?'' I ask simply wanting to know the answers as I didn't remember a single thing.

''You were leaving with a guy and he started to make you feel uncomfortable so I had to step in'' He says and takes a step closer to me and I take a step back leaving distance between us.

''So you fucked me instead?'' I ask and cross my arms in front of me.

''No we didn't have sex'' He says and I felt a weird feeling wash over me when we mentioned sex. A good feeling.

''So you just undressed me, took a look and left?'' I ask again.

''No, you wanted to have sex and started to undress yourself but I wasn't going to take advantage of you so I left and you passed out 5 minutes later'' He says annoyed.

I felt my cheeks rush hot as they had blushed knowing I had embarrassed myself. But I was still mad that he had come back, taken me and made all the feeling I had tried to get rid off rise back up to the surface.

''Well the car is here for me, so thank you for letting me spend the night I guess'' I say as I had noticed a car pull up outside and take one last look at him before I turn around.

''Can we talk Esther?'' He asks me and I stand there with my back towards him. I wanted to hear what he had to say but I knew it wasn't the right thing to do.

''We have nothing to talk about'' I say and straighten my posture and walk out to the car.

I got in the back of the car and looked at the house as the driver drove off. I wasn't about to let him back in my life for him just to leave again. I hated him, he made me feel unworthy, like I wasn't enough to fight for and I don't want to go through that again. But then deep down I knew I still loved him.

I got to my house and went to take some painkillers for my head and after that I went to grab a well needed shower. I let the warm water wash away all yesterdays events. I couldn't shake off the feeling in my heart knowing he was so close to me. It was like my heart was screaming for me to run to him. 'Great, I can start from the very beginning again' I think to myself as I remember how hard it was to try to forget him.

I walk out in my robe and sit on the side of my bed and call Alora.

''I'm home'' I say as she picks up the phone letting her know I was safe.

''So did you find out who you slept with?'' She asks me now sounding better than before.

''No, I got out unnoticed'' I lie to her.

''Anyway I'm off for the day just wanted to let you know that I was home'' I say and we say our goodbyes and I hang up.

I went to sleep to try sleep off some of the hungover. I woke up and it was already dark out. It was a rainy night. I walk to the kitchen and grab some water as that was the only thing my body was craving right now. I couldn't even think about food as it made me sick. I changed into some home clothes and went to look some TV on the couch with my dogs.

I saw a car pull up in my driveway and put a pause on my TV. I took my gun and went to look who it was as no one would come here at such late hours without a warning. I look out the window to see who it was and see that it was Nicolas. I put the gun away and open the door looking as he stands a few feet in front of me in the pouring rain.

''Esther, I need to talk to you'' He says looking almost sad.

''I told you we have nothing to talk about'' I say and cross my arms in front of me as I feel the chilly breeze hit my body.

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