Chapter 21

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''Can't do babe'' He says and I get out of his lap.

''We're still married'' He says and I get confused.

''What do you mean? We got a divorce'' I say.

''No we didn't, I never signed the papers'' He says and pulls me so now I stand in between his legs.

''Why didn't you sign them? I though you wanted a divorce'' I ask.

''If I'd sign them it would of been the end of us and I wasn't ready to let go'' He says.

''So we're still legally married?'' I ask making sure he wasn't joking.

''You're still my wife'' He says and kisses my forehead. Now I felt even more reassured that he wasn't just going to leave me.

''So how are we going to make this work? Me in Italy you in Spain'' I ask him as we had started to talk about us.

''Whatever you wanna do. We can go to Spain or we can stay here.'' He says and sips on his coffee.

''Okay, but I want to know what you want to do'' I say annoyingly as if he was trying to please me.

''I honestly don't really care, I love Spain, but I also really like Italy and half of my family is here and the other half is in Spain. And anyway it's only a 2 hour flight we can go to Spain when ever we want or need and come back the same day.'' He says and pets my dog that had come over to us after finishing her food.

''Then I guess I'd like to stay here'' I say and walk to grab some food that I had made.

''Then we're staying here'' He says and takes some of the food I had brought.

''I don't really know anything about you other than you're a mafia leader'' I say and sit next to him.

''Ask, what do you want to know?'' He says and takes his attention to me.

''Any siblings?'' I ask away.

''Yes, 2 sisters and a brother'' He says and looks at me.

''How many girlfriends you've had?'' I ask and look at him.

''You were the first one'' He says.

''Really? I find that hard to believe'' I say and take a sip from my coffee before it turns cold.

''I wasn't really a relationship type of guy'' He says and continues to pet my dog that I think had fallen in love with him.

''What changed?'' I ask him.

''You came along'' He says and I blush.

''Did you see any women while you were in Spain?'' I ask and I could see his face turn serious and I already knew the answer.

''How many?'' I ask knowing there was some.

''I don't know, but it wouldn't be a pleasant number'' He says and I take away my eyes from him and look at the wall.

''I'm sorry'' He says.

''It's okay, we weren't together'' I say and face him again.

''You're the only one I've been with more than once and shared a bed for a whole night'' He says and makes me roll my eyes at him.

''As if that makes it any better'' I say and giggle.

''Well it's a big deal for me'' He says and I just laugh at how cute he was right now.

''Well I hope none of those girls show up knocked up'' I say and give him a warning look.

''I'm always careful babe'' He says and gives me a kiss before going and putting his cup into the dish washer.

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