Chapter 5

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Hey yall, thank you for your patience with me I have been extremely sick and unable to write as much as I want. It wasn't covid, (Please wear your mask and get vaccinated) which is good. along with that, I do have a casual job which also interrupts my schedule (having money is good), I am hoping to get as much of this book as possible completed before my school year starts so hopefully yall will be getting plenty of chapters. Please comment your thoughts and feelings about my writing I love to read them. - SJ

This chapter is a bit disjointed sorry 💚

As I predicted Sersi ran to Ajak and Ikaris explaining her side of the story and how we were so rude to her. So, of course, immediately Ajak and Ikaris came to talk to us about this and how 'out of line' we were.

"We're out of line?"

"Yes, Sersi came and explained it to us and how you yelled at her for nothing" Ikaris began

"Nothing? Really? No neither Makkari nor I would yell at someone without a reason, in truth Sersi was saying how she wish she could talk to Makkari as if Makkari wasn't there. So, Makkari responded wishing that Sersi would take the time out of her busy day to learn sign language" I took a break to calm myself before continuing

"Sersi started defending herself saying that was uncalled for and she had a busier schedule than either of us, which then led to Kari going off at her"

"Well, it seems Makkari's comment was a bit uncalled for" Ikaris comments

"I'm sorry?" I say dumbfounded

"Makkari doesn't hang out around the rest of us and learning new languages are hard" Ikaris defends

Did you ever wonder why I don't hang out with you? It's because you don't sign language, and like I said to Sersi I deal with not being to understand you every day and in our centuries on earth you couldn't have made the time to learn? I translate for her again

"Well that still doesn't give you the right to yell at Sersi"

"She didn't 'yell' at Sersi, she was pissed and spoke with an annoyed tone but there was no yelling"

"What did Makkari say to Sersi?" Ajak says finally joining the conversation

"How dare you, I put up with not being able to understand you every day and you can't have taken a couple of months out of our decades on this planet to learn a simple language for one of your family members. The only reason I can ever understand you is because of the vibrations and Druig, or did you never notice that he is constantly signing so I can understand every conversation or were you too busy trying to get Ikaris'. And how dare you say that you have a busier schedule than we do, I fight the deviants every day alongside Druig and the others and what do you do? Turn sand to stone and back, talk to the children? Shut up." I repeat for them.

"Ok well I think everyone needs to apologise and we will attempt to learn more sign language."

Fine Makkari responds clearly annoyed at having to apologise

Over the next few decades, Sersi and Makkari reconciled after Sersi admitted she was out of line and has since then learnt enough sign language to have a conversation with Makkari.

Makkari POV:

As much as Druig and I like being close I feel as though endearments and simple shows of affection are more us. We aren't big and showy people especially with affection because I guess we feel as that is more private and only for us when we are in our quarters.

Sersi and Ikaris are more open with their affection which is why everyone knew within the hour when they got together (finally). So instead of going against us to consider being more like the popular couple, we developed our own form of affection. My personal favourite being the forehead touches.

After the first few kisses I had talked to Druig about a new solution because kissing him made my heartbeat too fast so that's all I could hear, it was quite overwhelming on my behalf, so we developed different ways to show the same meaning, like hugs, holding hands, and the forehead touches. Now that we have had a few decades of practice I can control my heartbeat while kissing and other heart race inducing activities, but we have both said we prefer the forehead touches as it is more us.

The next city we venture to and aim to protect is Babylon. This is one of the biggest cities on earth, rich in culture and flavour. Druig and I are exploring the city when Ajak calls us back to the main building, "Ikaris and Sersi are getting married"

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