; aphasia ; larry (ft. ot4)

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i posted this in my other one shot book but realized it probably fits better in this book. i had unpublished this book because..well, i just didnt like it, but im hoping to keep writing and improving. i'd like to lean more towards general hurt/comfort and less towards plotless sickfics and figured this one was a good place to start with that.

to any of my oooold readers who still have this book from 2017(2016???) in their libraries; you're adorable, and i hope this update is worth the wait x
(cant believe im still on this damn app lol)

i did my best to research aphasia and speech disorders but there will inevitably be inaccuracies (and also just general mistakes and typos lol). i hope i handled this topic with the love & sensitivity it deserves. enjoy!

written: 2020/2021

Harry wasn't always like this.

In fact, he was quite the opposite. He had always been complimented by his teachers for how eloquent he was. He chose his words meticulously and made sure each and every word that left his lips was exactly what he wanted; exactly how he wanted to verbalize his thoughts. Not anymore, though.

One car accident, two weeks in hospital, a severe concussion, and countless speech therapy appointments later, Harry is here– a stuttering, aphasiac, insecure ball of stress. His doctors had told him it wouldn't be permanent and normally resolves within a few days after the concussion clears. Apparently being in a freak accident wasn't unlucky enough for Harry, and he's left months later, still struggling to communicate and interpret words.

But he's doing his best. For his friends.

Currently, Harry's eyebrows are scrunched in confusion, a look of intense focus gracing his features as he sits curled up in the corner of the sofa. The other three boys are looking at him with gentle eyes, waiting. He and Louis invited Liam and Niall over for a movie night and sleepover for old time's sake. They don't get to see each other all at once very often anymore and the friends didn't want to miss the opportunity to have a lad's night like when they were younger.

"Hey. Take your time, H. No pressure," Niall says softly to Harry, nodding at the youngest boy.

"Ha-hang....Hanger?" Harry tries, but quickly realizes that that isn't the right word. What, does he want to hang up clothes or something? He doesn't want a damn hanger. He wants food. He wants to eat. He closes his eyes and shakes his head. "Hunger. H-Hungry. Hungry."

Louis smiles proudly at Harry's determination. More often than not, Harry would get fed up with his aphasia and give up, tears glazing his bright eyes.

"Good job, pet. That was good. Proud of you for not giving up," Louis tells him, his warm smile making Harry feel loved and safe. Not judged. "Okay, you want something to eat? We can order something. Do you want takeaway?"

Harry stays quiet for a few moments, thinking about Louis' question and working out the answer in his head. He knows it is a yes or no question, but his mind can't quite remember which one is the one he wants to use. "Um, no?"

"Okay, you don't want takeaway? That's alright, I can make you a sandwich or-"

Louis is cut off by Harry waving his hand. "Oh. I...I meant- I want take...takeoway? Er, takea-takeaway. Yes. Takeaway, um, please?"

Niall nods quickly at that. "Yeah, okay! We can definitely do takeaway, lad. Let's do Chinese? I know you love Chinese."

"Yes, uh. Yes please, Niall. Think-" Harry closes his eyes again, biting his bottom lip in thought. "Thank. Thank you."

; 𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘 𝐇𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐘 | harry styles one shots.Where stories live. Discover now