; stomach bug (pt. iii) - larry

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wow bet ya thought i wouldnt post this huh?? took me long enough yikes!! sorry abt that!! ANYWAYS this part is literally so unnecessarily long (like uuuh 3.6k words long im so sorry) and also kinda stressful??? but u wanted a third part so here u go! i didnt rly edit it much sorryy

Louis is surprised when he blinks himself awake. He looks around the room to help himself wake up and squints to read the digital clock sat on their nightstand. 10:05. He remembers falling asleep next to a sick Harry what felt like only minutes prior, but, based on the time, nearly two hours has passed.

He isn't sure what had caused him to wake up, but the second he places his hand on Harry's back, he knows exactly why. The heat coming off of Harry's back, even through his shirt, is unbearable. Harry must have cuddled into Louis in his sleep, his burning fever waking Louis.

As if on cue, Harry starts tossing in his sleep, his eyebrows scrunching up subconsciously. A small whimper makes its way past the younger boy's lips- a pitiful, high-pitched moan.

Louis winces to himself. Should he wake Harry up? He definitely needs to cool him down, but he also knows Harry should get as much sleep as possible. Before he can weigh the pros and cons in his mind, though, Harry begins coughing harshly. It sounds like he's choking and Louis immediately springs into action.

"Harry. Harry, I need you to wake up," he coaxes, trying his best to stay calm, but the choking noise Harry's making is spine-chilling. "Please, baby. You need to sit up. Come on, we need to get some air into your lungs."

Harry's eyes fly open once his brain processes what is happening. His breathing is heavy and panicked and his eyes show nothing but fear. He tries to scramble up into a sitting position but he's just too weak and too hot to function. "Lo-Louis-," Harry heaves out.

"Come on," Louis repeats. He repositions himself so he's able to lift Harry's top half and sit him up enough for him to breathe. "Harry, I can't have you having an asthma attack right now, you're too ill. You need to try your hardest to breath, lovely. Calm yourself down."

Harry can't reply, he can't calm down. He can't breathe.

His chest is heaving up and down; he's hyperventilating at this point, and Louis doesn't know what to do. Louis reaches over Harry to the bedside table on the opposite side of the bed and grabs the water from before they had fallen asleep. He brings the glass to Harry's quivering lips and tries to get him to drink, hoping by drinking some water, his brain can realise that he isn't actually choking.

It doesn't work.

Harry is too frantic to even understand how to drink and swallow water, and it all comes dribbling down his front. Louis bites his lip, chewing on it nervously. He needs Harry's inhaler.

Louis acts quick and sprints into their en suite where he knows Harry's inhaler is sat in the top drawer. He can still hear Harry choking on air as he yanks the drawer open and grabs the inhaler in lightning speed, leaving the drawer open and a mess before running back to Harry.

"Alright, alright. I've got you, lovely," Louis assures, bringing the inhaler to Harry's pale -nearly blue- lips. Harry looks up with glassy, terrified eyes and Louis just nods sadly. "I know. I know you're havin' a hard time understanding things right now, H, but I really, really need you to do this for me. It's just your puffer, yeah? You've used it plenty of times. You remember how it works, hm?"

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