; lazy mornings - larry

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written: 2022

i'll be yours forever
('til forever falls apart)
; the one where louis and harry are so in love that love doesn't feel like a big enough word – ft. morning cuddles and innocent (and just a lil bit of not-so-innocent) kissing.

The golden light streams in from the small crack between the curtains in a gentle glow, the white duvet being stained by the amber warmth. Harry was never an early riser; he'd never even seen a sunrise before Louis. After Louis, though, he quickly realized that waking up earlier meant seeing, learning, admiring, loving Louis longer.

He's lost track of how many sunrises he's seen, now.

Half asleep, the drowsiness of his restful slumber still weighing his eyelids down in the slightest way, Harry finds himself tracing his neatly manicured fingernails ever so softly across Louis' body. Nowhere in particular, but anywhere and everywhere he can. Harry manages to find something new to love about Louis every time he looks at his husband. He still remembers the first thing he had noticed about Louis. It surprisingly wasn't the enchanting blue of his eyes, nor was it the dusting of cinnamon-toned freckles across the bridge of his nose. It was his crinkles. His happy, faint crinkles. After introducing himself to Harry when they first met in college, Louis had smiled the sweetest smile and Harry can't forget the way his breath caught in his throat upon seeing the lines near his eyes. It was endearing, knowing that Louis was so expressive and smiled so much that the corners of his eyes had formed the most lovely wrinkles, even as young as they were. Harry remembers how, right then and there, he decided he didn't want to live another day of his life without seeing the crinkles by Louis' eyes.

"Y'know, this is the unsexiest way I've ever been felt up, Harold," Louis' raspy voice finally whispered.

"Oh shit," Harry pulls his wandering hand away. "I'm so sorry. I didn't...I didn't even realize I was feeling you up. That's terrible."

A breathy laugh escapes Louis' morning-chapped lips and, God, there are those crinkles again. "I'm kidding, love. Well, not really. This is the least sexual way I've been...explored, shall we say. But I didn't mean it as a bad thing."

"You're just so intricate and beautiful. I want to know every part of you. I guess I can't help it." The blush that warms Harry's cheeks is more beautiful than any part of himself, Louis wants to argue. He knows Harry wouldn't let him win, though, so the rebuttal fades from between his lips.

"Well it's a good thing that I think you are just as worthy of being explored, then."


"Yes." It's Louis' turn to admire. "What's this scar from?" He rubs his thumb across a subtle white scar at the base of Harry's palm.

"I sliced it opening a can of cat food." It's a horribly boring answer, Harry thinks, but Louis seems to appreciate the new bit of knowledge. What brand of cat food was it? Was it when he was feeding Dusty, his childhood cat? Or maybe Opal, the stray kitten he had snuck into his dorm in his first year at university. Did it make him cry or just wince and let a string of curse words tumble out? The answer may be boring, but Harry is anything but.

Louis shuffles under the too-puffy comforter and wraps his arm around Harry's waist. Harry allows himself to be pulled closer and rests his cheek on Louis' chest. Speaking of Louis' chest, Harry discovers yet another new detail. The cursive W of his 'It Is What It Is' tattoo has a small loop in the middle where the zigzag meets. It's shaped like the awareness ribbons that you see often, he notes. An ichthys, as well– those fish-shaped symbols that Christians seem to put on everything. He giggles quietly to himself when he catches his mind coming up with all sorts of silly comparisons for such a miniscule observation. Is it possible to be too in love with someone? So in love that 'love' doesn't feel big enough. There must be something bigger than love.

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