; your first words (have yet to be said)

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Your First Words
(Have Yet To Be Said)

Harry brings in a shaky inhale, his throat thick with withheld tears. "Just, when I was at Mitch and Sarah's... It was, like- it sounded so lovely."

"What did?"


[or, the one where harry just wants to be a mom and, luckily, he picked someone who was supportive]

i feel like it's been so long since i've written anything :(
this one is really short but it's been a wip for ages and i have been hoping for inspiration to strike to write more scenes, but i'm so sick of staring at it lmao. so i'm keeping it short. SORRY!!

ik mpreg can be hit or miss but i thought i'd give it a go! i've been struggling to come up with new ideas to write about bc i'm worried my writing is getting stale and way too same-same...so i'm trying to step out of my comfort zone a lil bit at a time.

hopefully i'll have some ideas that get me excited to write again soon! let me know if there's any prompts or topics you'd wanna see from me :D

; title from blessing by elton john

The winter air rips through the doorway as Harry's snowboot-heavy footsteps echo through the entryway. Small grunts come from the young man as he struggles to free himself from the hand-me-down parka his father had given him several years ago. It's a bit ugly, or far too drab, Harry had complained to his husband, but it's the only winter coat that still fits over his big belly. Louis thinks it's beautiful.

Hearing the commotion, Louis gets up from the sofa, nudging a sleepy Clifford from his lap, to go help. "Hey, sweet love. I missed you. Have a good time with the baby? You're not in any pain are you?"

Finally free from the jacket, Harry starts bending down to untie his boots, only to be stopped by Louis beating him to it. "Thanks, honey. I'm fine. My back isn't too bad today. It was good, yeah."

If he's being honest, Louis was expecting to be greeted with a much more enthusiastic, happy Harry. With Harry being in his late twenties, it meant that a lot of his friends were settling down, and visiting his friends' babies was his absolute favorite thing to do. Harry had even described it as a hobby once. "H? What's up? Did something happen?"

The pair make their way to the living room and get comfortable under the polka dot throw blanket.

"Sarah and Mitch's baby said Mama for the first time while I was there," Harry says once they're settled.

"Oh, wow! How precious is that? What a beautiful moment, I'm sure."

"It... Yes, it was precious. Very beautiful, really."

"Harry? What's going on? You sound so sad, baby."

Instead of answering, Harry clears his throat before asking, "Do you- Have you thought of what we want Bun to call us?"

"Oh, hm, I haven't put too much thought into it, no. I assumed we would just be Daddy or Papa, maybe? Though I don't know who would be who... I wouldn't mind either name. Wouldn't be the first time I've been called Daddy, eh?" Louis elbows Harry's bicep at the insinuation because, well, he's immature. "Actually, wait, that might be a bad thing... Maybe I should just be Dad..."

"Dad is always good. Solid choice." The response is robotic and Louis gets a weird feeling tugging at his heart.

"So, then, Papa for you?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2023 ⏰

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