; stomach bug - larry

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written: 2019

Louis poked his head into the dark bedroom where his boyfriend was trying to sleep off a nasty stomach virus he had managed to pick up.

"Feeling any better, sweetheart?" Louis whispered into the darkness of the room.

A small whimper was the only response he got.

Louis opened the bedroom door wider and quietly padded in. He walked to the other side of the room and crouched next the bed so he was facing Harry. Louis reached over and turned on the bedside lamp, that way he could get a better look at his sick boy.

"Nnngh, turn it off, 'ouis," Harry moaned and threw the duvet over his head, shielding himself from the unbearable light.

Louis pulled the blanket back down and softly stroked Harry's cheek, feeling for a fever. "Let me look at you, H. Then I'll turn it off."

Harry sighed resignedly, not wanting to fight back. Louis couldn't help but notice, even in the dimly lit room, that Harry was much paler than usual. Louis pushed back Harry's sweaty curls, wincing at the obvious fever.

"You're still so warm, pet," Louis told him sadly, continuing to play with his hair.

"Feel awful," Harry murmured as he leant into Louis's touch.

Louis nodded knowingly. "Let's get some food into you, yeah?"

"No... No, no, no. No food," Harry quickly answered, shaking his head.

"Come on, hun. I know you don't feel well, but you have to get something into your system," Louis reasoned, rubbing his boyfriend's arm comfortingly.

"Don't wanna throw up anymore," Harry fought back.

"That's why I'm just going to make you some toast. Nice and light for your belly," Louis smiled.

Harry grumbled lamely, but, nonetheless, didn't fight. He just didn't have the energy to argue, fortunate for Louis.

"C'mon, bub. Up you get," Louis encouraged, helping Harry sit up in bed. "There's a good lad."

Harry lethargically swung his legs over the edge of the bed and stood up shakily. Louis wrapped his arm around Harry's waist, steadying him.

The two walked towards the kitchen, where Harry immediately slumped into the chair, and Louis went over to the toaster.

A few minutes later, Louis had toasted and lightly buttered the bread. Harry's head was resting on his arms, which were folded on the table. Louis set the plate in front of Harry and placed his hand on the younger boy's shoulder.

"H? Lift up your head, angel," Louis coaxed.

Begrudgingly, Harry raised his head from the table. "I feel icky, Lou."

Louis nodded pitifully. "I know, love. Just try to eat some toast. For me?"

When Harry pulled his signature 'kicked puppy' look (as Louis likes to call it), Louis gave Harry a stern look in return. And, call him absolutely whipped, but Harry can't say no to the older boy.

He groaned when he saw the piece of buttered toast sitting on the table. Mumbling a sassy 's'just gonna come right back up, Louis', Harry picked up the bread and nibbled on the corner.

Harry ended up eating a slice and a half before he couldn't handle it anymore. He shook his head, silently pushing the dish away from him.

"Doing alright, baby?" Louis asked, noticing Harry's quietness.

Harry shook his head once again. "Nauseous," he breathed out through gritted teeth.

"You're okay," Louis soothed, his voice relaxed, making Harry feel a tad bit better. "Shall we head to the toilet?"


With that, Louis stood from his seat, carelessly discarding the leftover toast into the rubbish bin, and went back over to Harry.

He rubbed Harry's tense shoulders and placed a lingering kiss in his sweaty hair. "Let's go, H."

Harry really didn't feel like getting up and making the ever-so-long (barely even fifteen step) journey to the bathroom, but he knew if he didn't get there soon, he'd make a mess right there in Louis's beautiful kitchen.

Harry arose from the chair and successfully made it to the toilet on his own, albeit a few stumbles here and there, causing Louis to hold onto his waist, lightly guiding him.

He slid down the wall in front of the toilet, not wanting to get sick but knowing it was going to happen sooner or later. He lolled his head back and closed his eyes, breathing heavily as he tried to wait out the nausea.

By now, Louis had comfortably sat next to Harry on the cold tile. He grazed his nails up and down Harry's arm.

A few minutes passed and Harry's breathing was becoming more ragged. He could feel the sick fighting its way up his throat. He swallowed thickly. "Fuck."

"Shh, you're okay, bubs," Louis calmed him down. He grabbed Harry by the hips and positioned him in front of the toilet.

Almost immediately, Harry gagged up the piece of toast he had just eaten. He continued to heave and cough up everything that was in his stomach, which, other than the toast, was practically nothing. He choked and sputtered on the painful stomach acid, spitting into the toilet. He took a few deep breaths, attempting to even out his breathing and weakly reached over and grabbed some toilet tissue, wiping the vomit and saliva dribbling from his lips. He shuddered at how disgusting he felt before throwing the tissue in the toilet, flushing away its contents.

"Feel better, lovely?" Louis asked, stroking Harry's cheek soothingly. Harry only barely nodded, shrugging his shoulders. "Let me grab you some water."

Harry wanted to protest and make Louis stay with him, but he couldn't muster up the energy, so he allowed Louis to leave to get him a some water.

A minute later, Louis entered the bathroom again with a small glass of water and a damp flannel. Louis placed the cloth on Harry's burning neck and handed him the water.

"Small sips, Haz," Louis warned, not wanting Harry to get sick again.

The cool water felt incredible on Harry's sore throat. Even with his nausea, Harry managed to drink the whole cup before handing it back to Louis.

"How're you feeling?"

Harry groaned and mumbled something resembling 'yucky'. Louis chuckled sadly at Harry's juvenile choice of words, wishing he could take away his boyfriend's pain.

"Want to go back to bed?" Louis whispered when he felt Harry's head fall on his shoulder.

"Too tired," Harry replied, his words slurring slightly.

"C'mon, you can't fall asleep in here, lovebug. It's not comfy. Let's get you back in b-"

Louis's words were cut off by Harry's soft snores. Louis couldn't help but let out a breathy laugh. Harry was just too cute.

Not having the heart to wake him up, Louis stayed sat on the floor in the toilet, allowing Harry to drool on his shoulder as he slept peacefully, only hoping Harry would feel better after the nap.

let me know if u have any requests (larry or non-larry) & i might do some!
also, leave a star n comment if u'd like xx

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