; stomach bug (pt. ii) - larry

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a few ppl asked for a part two of the last fic sooo here it is! 

"Harry? Sweetheart, wake up for me, yeah?" Louis nudges the younger boy in his lap awake, watching his eyes open as he looks around blearily.

"Wha' are- Um?" Harry slurs, searching the room and blinking frantically. Where was he? What's happened? He feels panicky. And hot. Too hot.

Louis was used to this version of Harry. He's like this nearly every time he's poorly. He's always quick to panic and he's always out of it for a while after he wakes up, but Louis' always there to calm him down and bring him back to reality.

"Hey, hey. Relax, bub. You're alright, everything's fine. We're just in the bathroom, yeah. You fell asleep," Louis consoles, petting Harry's hair to try to calm the boy in his lap down.

Harry knows Louis is talking to him -can hear his voice- but he can't quite make out what he's saying through his sleep-filled mind. He looks up at Louis, trying his best to focus on the older boy.

"Oh," he whispers hoarsely. His mind felt foggy, as if he weren't really awake. Was he delirious? Why couldn't he think?

"Baby? Are ya listenin' to me?" Louis calls to him, eyebrows furrowing.

Harry stares blankly at his boyfriend and gives him the minutest nod. "Am I- Am I ill?" He asks. He feels ill; he definitely feels ill.

Louis chuckles out of pity, combing the younger boy's bangs back. "Yeah, hun, you're a bit poorly. You fell asleep in me lap for a bit but I don't want your back to start hurting you, so I think it's time I get you to bed so you can get some proper rest."

"Huh," Harry responds rather dumbly. "Mhm, 'lright."

He pushes himself up from Louis' lap and tries to stand up on his wobbly, achy legs. He looks like a baby deer first learning to walk, Louis thinks.

"Here, babes. Let me help you up, okay? You're lookin' rather shaky, don't want you to get hurt," Louis helps his boyfriend stand, steadying him with his hands on his hips.

Harry turns around to face Louis and scrunches his nose. "Did I throw up? My throat- It hurts?"

"Yes, lovely. You've been ill for a couple of days and you've gotten sick a few times. Do you remember, bub?"

Louis is getting a bit nervous if he's honest. Harry isn't usually this out of it when he wakes up when he's sick. He's probably overreacting, he tells himself. But Louis is Louis. He worries about Harry. It's what he does best.

"I, uh, yeah. I remember," Harry says quietly, sounding slightly unsure. He walks out of the bathroom with Louis still holding onto his hips and drags himself into their shared bedroom.

"I'm gonna grab the thermometer, okay, H? I think your fever might be getting too high, you're still quite out of it from waking up," Louis tells Harry as he helps him into bed and pulls the duvet over his shaking body.

"Oh, no. Wait, no, please," Harry whimpers in response, grabbing weakly onto Louis' wrist. "Please stay. Sorry, m'sorry for being poorly. I didn't mean- I just- Please don't leave me."

Louis holds Harry's hand tightly, bringing the teary-eyed boy into a hug and shushing his whimpering. "Shh, shh. Hey, I'm not leaving you, angel. I'm here. I'm right here, I promise you. I just need to take your temperature because I think your fever is making you kinda delirious, yeah? And I'd like to get you some paracetamol to hopefully break the fever. How's that, baby? Is that okay?"

Harry's glassy eyes blink slowly and Louis can practically see the wheels turning in his fever-muddled brain, trying to process what Louis said. "Oh," he settles. "Thought you were, like, leaving."

"Never, love," Louis clicks his tongue. Harry sounds so fragile and vulnerable like this.

Louis places a chaste kiss to Harry's burning forehead, mumbling a quiet 'I love you' into the kiss. He left the bedroom and went back into the bathroom to grab the fever reducer. He was rushing a bit, not wanting to leave his poorly boyfriend alone for too long.

He was in the middle of quickly rinsing and bleaching the toilet when he heard Harry's small voice calling him.

"Lo‍‍‍‍‍uis? Lou?"

"Comin', lovely," Louis shouts back and grabs the paracetamol bottle before exiting the bathroom.

When Louis re-enters the bedroom, his heart breaks. Harry is sat up in bed, cuddling the blanket with tear tracks rolling down his flushed cheeks.

Louis runs over to Harry and gently takes Harry's face in his hands. "Baby, baby. Take a deep breath. What's got you so worked up, hm? Harry, look at me."

"Th-The, uh, I'm-" Harry stumbles over his words. "Hurts."

Louis brings his hand to Harry's forehead, then to his chest. He's burning. Absolutely burning.

"Okay, okay. I know it hurts, darling I know. We're gonna get some medicine into you and you'll feel so much better soon, yeah? You'll be just fine. I'll stay with you until you feel better, angel," Louis promises, peppering Harry's warm cheeks with reassuring kisses.

"W-Will you please lay with me?" Harry chokes out. He's still crying and Louis is sure it's just from his fever, but his heart still clenches at the sight.

"Of course, pet. Just take these pills 'nd then we can cuddle, okay? Sound good, bug? No need for the tears," Louis coo's sadly and hands the younger the pills

Harry gives a tiny nod in response and brings his hand out shakily to take the pills. He swallows them with a small sip of water. He winces and reaches up to massage his throat when it scratches his raw throat on the way down.

"Ouch," he croaks with a pout.

Louis frowns and wipes the tears from Harry's cheeks. "I know, H."

Harry scooches over to his side of his bed and pats the now empty spot next to him. "Did you....Are we going to snuggle? I'd like t-to try to sleep, please?"

Louis can't help but smile at the boy; he just looked so young and small. He sits next to Harry on the bed and pulls him into a hug. "I love you so much, sweetheart. You know that? Hate seein' you like this," he kisses the top of Harry's curls, doing everything he can to calm his still-teary-eyed boyfriend.

"I know y'do," Harry whispers, nuzzling into Louis' lap. "M'gonna be okay though. Just feel...just feel a little yucky."

Louis wraps one of his arms around to Harry's front and gently rubs his tummy, hoping to help comfort Harry even more. Harry's little moan is enough of a response for Louis to know it's helping.

"Your hands are magic... You're magic," Harry slurs, half-asleep.

"'Course I am, darling. Now get some sleep, yeah? You'll feel so much better when you wake up, love. I promise."

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