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The sound of the door slamming shut made both Marley and Harry flinch in each other's arms, wondering who had just come back into the house.

After Louis and Marley's dad had left the house, Johannah had sat the couple down and had a long talk with them about everything. Initially, she'd started off reassuring them that everything was fine and the others just needed a bit longer to fully accept what was going on. Next, she focused on making sure Harry was alright, she gave him some ice for his head just in case a bruise was forming and let him know that she appreciated his decision to stay with Marley. She hadn't mentioned their 'relationship' but the girl guessed it was because her Mum had always been suspicious they were together from the start no matter how many times she denied it.  Finally, Jay briefly went over their plan regarding the start of Marley's pregnancy, explaining certain supplements she should start taking and making a note to organise a doctor's appointment as soon as possible to start Marley's checkups.

As expected, it left the pair feeling a mixture of relieved and mentally exhausted so Harry had suggested Marley had a little lie down in bed. The pair had both ended up laying in Marley's bed, Marley's head resting on Harry's stomach as he ran his fingers softly through her blonde locks as they listened to the quiet sounds of Marley's radio drifting through the quietness. They enjoyed the comfortable silence between them, neither needing to say anything for the other to know they cared.

"It wouldn't be so bad if Matty wasn't the Dad." Marley muttered aloud, not necessarily for Harry to hear but mainly because it was easier to think out loud.

"I know it's shit, Matty's a dickhead but you'll forget all that the moment you hold your baby . You don't need to worry about Matty, you have me to look after you. I may be an idiot at times but I can safely say I am a huge improvement from that bastard."

"Why are you so good to me Harry?" She asked, the question carrying a lot more weight than the girl realised. Harry found it difficult to answer the way he wanted to.

'Because I like you, I really, really like you. I just want to make you happy all the fucking time...' he thought, taking everything in him not to blurt out how he was feeling. It had taken a while for Harry to realise Niall was right and that he did have feelings for the girl but now he had, it was hard for him to ignore.

The first time he really became aware of the idea he saw Marley as something more than a friend was after Zayn's party when all he could think about was the way her lips felt when she kissed his forehead. All night he wanted her to do it again as she cared for his drunken self. After then, all Harry could think about was how oblivious he was to his own feelings. All the time he found himself going the extra mile to make Marley smile, doing her favors and complimenting her under the excuse of proving how much of a good friend he was. Now it was painfully obvious he just wanted to impress her.

Before Harry even got a chance to form an answer that wouldn't expose his feelings for the girl, a knock at Marley's bedroom door interrupted the pair. The boy felt Marley stiffen under their comforting embrace, eyeing the door anxiously as she waited to see who was there. Harry gave her a reassuring squeeze to remind her he was there for her.

"Yes?" She called out, watching the door swing open to reveal her brother standing silently in the doorway, his face unreadable.

"Holy shit, kid. You're having a baby." Louis blinked, looking a little stunned as the words left his mouth. It seemed the news was still setting in but he'd accepted the fact he had no say over her decision. A small smile began to form on his lips only making his sister sigh in relief. The last thing she wanted when she was this tired was to have another argument. She tried to fight the tears starting to fall down her cheeks but it was no use, it had been a very emotional day and she was far too exhausted to control them now.

"I promise I'll be alright. I have Harry." Marley sniffed, pushing her self up from her position next to Harry and walking over to wrap her arms around her brother, letting him hug her warmly. She felt him kiss her gently on the top of her head, rubbing her back softly as she cried into his jacket that was still a little cold from being outside. Harry remained silent, letting the two siblings sort things out on their own. He hoped Louis had also accepted his own part in all this but wouldn't be surprised if he still needed a little more time.

"I'm really sorry for the way I acted, Mae. I wasn't expecting it, that's all. You're still the little baby sister that used to run about following me everywhere, it's hard for me to accept you're all grown up now. I'm sorry, I know I treat you like a you're a child. I swear I'll try to stop from now on. I love you so much Mae, I'm so proud of you darling." Louis apologised softly to which Marley happily accepted. She understood it was hard for Louis to see her growing up, especially because he'd been protecting her since she was a baby. The six year age gap meant in the man's eyes, she was always the little kid he always chased after trying to keep out of trouble.

"It's fine, I get it Lou, I really do. I'm just happy you're here now." She pulled away to look up at him, wiping her tears with the sleeve of her cardigan. When her sobs had calmed down to few single tears, Louis guided his sister back to bed, perching on the end as he watched her cuddle back up to Harry. This was the first time the man had even acknowledged Harry since he stepped into the room and it made him a little nervous.

"I shouldn't have treated you like that Harry, I'm sorry. Thank you for looking after my sister, you're a lot more mature than most boys your age." He gave Harry a pat on the shoulder and they shared a look of respect, something Marley found extremely weird. "How's your head? I didn't mean to shove you that hard."

"It's fine, I know why you did it. I probably would've done the same." The teenager shrugged.

"Does Rain know? I haven't seen her all day." Louis asked, and Marley nodded.

"She was with me when I took the test, she's been with Niall all day."

"Niall? As in your brother, Harry?" Louis's brows furrowed in a mixture of confusion and worry. Harry could tell Louis wasn't happy his sisters were mixed up with the Styles family but at least he was polite enough not to make too much of a big deal about it. The teenager knew the kind of stereotype that followed them as a result of the family's lack of money. There were often rumours the boys would resort to stealing and selling drugs just so they could help their Mum afford things like groceries and rent, so Harry wasn't surprised Louis was a bit apprehensive to have his sisters hanging around with people like that. Harry was used to having to prove to people his family weren't like that - Louis was no different. 

"Um, yeah..."

"I guess that's another Styles I have to keep my eye on then." There was a playful undertone to Louis's words which made Harry grateful, at least the man was going to give them a chance. Often a lot of people would look down on the boys for their poorer background.

"In my defense, he's a Horan. Technically he doesn't reflect on me." Harry joked, making Marley breathe out little laugh as she shook her head in amusement. The teenage boy was always trying to distance himself from his brother which she found quite pathetic because underneath the pretend hate for Niall, Harry was just as close to him as Marley was with Louis.

"I'll be the judge of that one Curly."

The three of them began to laugh, a strange sense of comfort falling between them as they all accepted the strange new dynamic that was already forming between them. The baby was already bringing everyone together into a strange sort of family and the girl had only known she was pregnant a few days.

Having the two people she cared most about supporting her and getting along made things so much easier.

For the first time since finding out about the baby, that moment was the first she'd allowed herself to relax.

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