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tw // emetophobia 

It was almost impressive how calm Harry could appear to be on the outside when he was actually having a nervous breakdown on the inside.

From the moment he woke up, the boy was unable to sit still - the bundle of nervous energy winding itself tighter and tighter until at some point it would eventually explode. Marley heard him pacing about the house from as early as four in the morning, clanging about in the kitchen as he made himself a cup of tea and some jammy toast. She cursed in the darkness knowing she was now awake for the day, especially as the boy was insistent on drumming teaspoons on the kitchen counter as he waited for the kettle to boil and the toaster to finish his toast. Marley really loved Harry but sometimes, in moments like this, she really wanted to strangle him.

It didn't help that she woke up feeling like shit. Her head was pounding and her stomach felt uneasy. Just what she needed to deal with on such an important day.

Marley got up and kept Harry company, listening to his nervous ramblings and watching him pace back and forth in the kitchen. His energy at that time in the morning was quite impressive but she knew the closer it got to the time they had to leave for the exhibition, Harry would spiral and need her to support him through his anxiety.

And that's exactly what she did when she found Harry heaving in the bathroom ten minutes before they had to walk out the door. He was doing his best not to crumple his smart shirt and flared slacks as he bent over the bowl of the toilet, his toothbrush still gripped in his hand from being in the middle of getting ready. The girl had quickly handed Josie over to her Mum to look after while she checked on Harry, helping him steady his breathing until the nausea had passed. She stroked his hair back from his face while whispering gentle words of encouragement, trying to ignore her own unsettled stomach in the process.

But all of that anxiety had seemingly disappeared as Harry stood with a huge smile in front of his assigned section, his array of beautiful paintings hanging on the walls under his name printed in big bold letters. His emerald eyes scanned the room, politely greeting visitors that complimented his work as he looked out for a few people in particular. His mum was supposedly still on her way, Niall and Aliyah were talking to Zayn, Mitch had gone outside for a smoke and Marley had disappeared as soon as they arrived because Josie was unsettled and would only calm down if she nursed.

He couldn't wait to show his family his work.

"Oh Josie, look at how smart daddy is with all his art!" Harry spun round in the direction of his girlfriend's excited words, his dimpled smile widening as he saw his favourite girls making their way over.

Josie was mirroring Harry's sweet smile as her tiny arms stretched out for the boy to take her in his to which he happily agreed. With Josie settled on his hip, his free arm wrapped around Marley's shoulders to pull her close and kiss her cheek gently.

"Not bad if I do say so myself." The boy mused, his emerald eyes never leaving Marley's soft features to take in every little reaction while she took in his work.

"They're beautiful Harry." She whispered, stunned practically into silence by his talent. No matter how many times she watched Harry paint, she was amazed and immensely proud of how he could turn a plain canvas into a work of art so elegant and detailed. All of Harry's weird and wonderful imaginings turning into bursts of colour on the canvas, becoming a perfect extension of his personality. "I'm so, so proud of you my love."

"I have a special little something, just for you. Well, you and Josie but mostly you because Sunny has no clue what's going on." He rambled with excitement, guiding the girl over to one painting in particular that was larger than the rest and positioning her right in front of it. With a dramatic flourish, he gestured to the painting and chewed his lip nervously as he observed her reaction.

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