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Sixteen weeks pregnant

Marley sighed softly as she shifted uncomfortably in Harry's arms, finding it impossible to get in a position that would be comfortable on her sore back. An absence of morning sickness the past week had left Marley feeling a lot better about being pregnant and was starting to enjoy her pregnancy a little more, however, aches and pains were starting to set in. That morning her lower back was causing problems and she'd felt a little cramping in her stomach. At first, this really worried Marley but Johannah quickly reassured her that some cramping was normal and it was probably just her uterus beginning to stretch as her baby grew. Her Mum advised her to take it easy just in case, so both Marley and Harry chose to spend the day in bed listening to Fleetwood Mac and catching up on the sleep they'd lost since taking on extra shifts at work.

It was the first day of the summer holidays so Harry had finally finished college, meaning he could now concentrate on working as much as he could to save for when the baby comes. The boy would never admit it, knowing how tired Marley was recently, but he was glad she had to spend the day resting because he was just as exhausted. Over the past few weeks, he had been splitting his time finishing all his overdue work (while keeping up with his final assignment), taking care of Marley when she needed it and taking on shifts at his job when he could. He barely had time to sleep but he refused to say anything because he knew Marley had it worse trying to juggle work with all the pregnancy symptoms she was experiencing.

Harry had fallen asleep first, practically as soon as his head hit the pillow. The poor boy had been working like a dog the past month no matter how many times Marley tried to get him to slow down. He'd come over after an evening shift at the diner, barely able to keep his eyes open but would still spend time with the blonde - making sure she was comfortable and the baby was healthy. Sometimes, if Marley was feeling up to it, he would take her out for dinner or to see a movie at the drive through. No matter how much the lad tried to deny it, Marley knew Harry needed this day to catch up on sleep much more than she did. His soft snores filled the room, making the blonde smile fondly at how peaceful he looked in his sleep.

She turned to face him, running her fingers softly through his dark hair as she found herself getting lost in the beauty of the teenager in front of her. His soft skin glowed in the gentle sunlight that filtered through the girl's lace curtains, his chest rose and fell rhythmically with each heavy breath. Very gently, the girl found herself untangling her fingers from his chocolate curls and moving them to lightly trace over the black ink on display on his upper body. Seeing as they were spending the day in bed, Harry had stripped down to his boxers so he didn't get too hot under the covers and who was Marley to protest? His body was beautiful and she could admire at it all day.

She thought back to the time when she tried to hate Harry, smiling to herself at the memory of trying to convince herself that she wasn't falling for him. He'd always been beautiful to her, ever since high school, but his reputation meant girls were constantly throwing themselves at him. She didn't want to be associated with that and so the only way to ignore her feelings was to distance herself from him. Only, that didn't work because a few weeks after vowing to ignore Harry, they ended up having drunken sex at Zayn's party which did nothing but resurface all her feelings towards him. That was why it was easy to hate him after she heard him boasting to Niall about it, she already needed an excuse to ignore him and he'd handed her one right on a silver platter.

She was forever grateful for getting a second chance to be with Harry, he'd matured a little in their short time apart and her feelings came flooding back the moment he apologised for what he did. She'd tried to hide them but it was hard when someone as beautiful as Harry was constantly making you happy.

Her mind began to wander as she admired his pretty features, imagining what it would've been like if he was the biological father of their baby. Who would they look like most? Would they have his green eyes? His thick curls? His dimples? He was already so sweet grazing his hands softly over her stomach as he rambled nonsense to her stomach, his soft lips tickling her skin as he pressed kisses against it between sentences. She knew he was going to be the best Dad and their baby was going to absolutely adore him.

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