Chapter 4- Face Reveal & Advice

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~~~3rd person: Tommy~~~

Tommy's eyes widened. Was (Y/n) gonna let him see his face?

(Y/n)'s voice shook, "Tommy..?"

"Oh! Sorry, I zoned out. I would feel honored to have a face reveal," Tommy smiled.

(Y/n) laughed lowly, "Sophisticated much?" (Y/n) turned on his camera. Currently, he was wearing his kitsune mask.

(Y/n) was visibly shaking, "(Y/n), you don't have to do this if you want to. I can see your shaking."

(Y/n) nodded then started to speak, "Will you doxx me?"

"No! Why would you think that? I'm the last person who would ever doxx you," Tommy seemed upset that (Y/n) thought that, but Tommy could completely understand why.

(Y/n) hummed, "Alright, could you turn on your camera? I feel like I'd be more comfortable that way.."

Tommy wasn't hesitant to turn in his camera. He had a smile plastered onto his face, "Alright, I'm ready when you are."

Tommy was genuinely interested in seeing (Y/n). Despite only talking to him for a few days, Tommy already considered (Y/n) a close friend. They basically spent an entire video just talking with each other, and they both already knew so much about the other.

Tommy's thoughts stopped whenever he saw (Y/n) untying the strings on his mask. Tommy watched intently, almost as if (Y/n) was the living embodiment of a test.

(Y/n) held the front of his mask and teasingly removed it. He showed one of his eyes first while the mask covered up his face.

Despite only seeing one eye, Tommy was already in awe.

"Fuck it," (Y/n) ripped off the entire mask and smiled, "Ta-daa!"

Tommy was awestruck. Tommy noticed (Y/n)'s other eye.

"You have Heterochromia," Tommy was must've been staring for too long because (Y/n) flushed a light shade of pink.

"O-Oh, sorry for staring. Your eyes are just really pretty," Tommy smiled.

(Y/n) smiled in response, "Thank you, Tommy! A lot of people said they didn't like my eyes, so I covered them up."

Tommy saddened hearing that, "Well, your eyes are beautiful and no one can say otherwise."

"You're too nice, Tommy," (Y/n) wiped away a fake tear.

Tommy smiled at (Y/n)'s remark. (Y/n) yawned, "Well, I think I'm gonna go take a nap. Cya, Toms."

Tommy flushed pink at the nickname but ignored his colour, "Cya, rest well."

Both Tommy and (Y/n) left the call. Tommy put his hands in his face and felt how warm his face was.

Everything about (Y/n) was perfect: his voice, his eyes, his personality. He needed to call someone about this.

Tommy gathered Wilbur and Tubbo into a call. "I NEED HELP," Tommy yelled as soon as the others were in a call.

Wilbur scoffed, "What the fuck are you yelling about?"

"What do you need help with," Tubbo asked.

"Well, it's about (Y/n)," Tommy got straight to the point.

"Oooo~," Wilbur teased.

Tubbo spoke like every sorority girl at sleepovers, "Spill."

"Okay, 1, don't ever talk like that again, Tubs. And 2..," Tommy trailed off, clearly not knowing how to phrase this.

"I think I like (Y/n), I'm not sure though," Tommy shakily spoke.

Wilbur and Tubbo seemed shocked. Tubbo broke what was a semi-silence, "I thought you were straight?"

"That's what I thought too, Tubbo. I'm confused," Tommy started to pick at his nails.

"Well," Wilbur spoke calmly, "Whatever you decide you are whether it's straight, bi, gay, whatever, we'll support you."

"Thank you," Tommy smiled.

"Of course, whenever," Wilbur smiled and left the call.

Tubbo stayed in the call, though. Tubbo had an idea, "Tommy, how did you feel whenever you talked to (Y/n) last?"

"Well, we actually spoke not too long ago. We spoke around 10 minutes ago and I felt nervous talking to him. He also gave me a face reveal, and everything about him is perfect. Even though we've only talked for about 2 days, it already feels like we've known each other for months," Tommy ranted, "Also, he used the nickname 'Toms', and even though everyone uses that nickname for me, it was different with (Y/n). Also during the recording earlier, he said that whenever I ranted about stuff that it was cute."

Tubbo hummed, "Alright.. yeah, that sounds like you have a crush. Maybe give it a bit though since you both started talking a few days ago. Also, try to keep the way (Y/n) speaks in mind. I'll also talk to (Y/n) sometimes about you to get you some info. Call me the matchmaker now."

Tommy laughed lightly, "Alright, thanks, Tubs."

"No problem, anything for my best Buddy," Tubbo smiled and left the call.

Tommy left the call as well and went to Twitter. He started scrolling through his feed and saw a post from Dream.


If you guys could choose any small creator, who
would you guys invite to the SMP?
Ooo! Can we invite @u/n!?
I feel like @u/n could be a good addition :DD
I agree with every comment here


Tommy smiled at how nice of a community (Y/n) has. He yawned and decided that he would take a nap. He put his phone on his desk and made his way to his bed.

He didn't bother putting the covers over him and instead fell asleep.


Word count. 911 words

HIHI!!!! Feelings, am I right?

Anyway, here's a semi-shorter chapter. I have something planned for next chapter, so I can't wait to get that released!

Make sure to drink water, eat something, and sleep! (And don't forget to vote on this chapter ;])

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