Chapter 19- Getting to Know Jessie

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~~~3rd person: Tommy~~~

He washed his hands, hoping (Y/n) was okay. He rushed himself and speed-walked out of the bathroom. He saw Jessie talking to (Y/n), and he ran over.

Tommy got to the table and saw Jessie cling onto his arm, "What are you doing here?"

"Just hanging out with my boyfriend," She tauntingly smiled at Tommy.

He was struck with shock. He didn't think (Y/n) would date Jessie... it's only the first day...

Tommy felt upset, his heart felt shattered, he felt helpless. All of this time him and (Y/n) had been talking, he thought (Y/n) would've been better than this.

"Oh. Alright," he concealed his sadness, looking up at the two with a smile and thumbs up, "have fun! I'm gonna head to class now."

Tommy speedily walked away, tears daring to fall.

~~~3rd person: (Y/n)~~~

He felt guilty. He didn't love Jessie, he didn't even like her. He hurt Tommy's feelings, betrayed him, even.

(Y/n) got distracted whenever Jessie lightly pressed her chest against his arm and held his hand.

"It'll be okay, let's get to know each other," Jessie suggested with what looked like a genuine smile.

(Y/n) looked at Jessie, replying almost immediately, "Okay. Why? Why are you doing this to me?" She was probably gonna talk about some sappy shit about love-

"I want your fame."

(Y/n) snapped his head towards Jessie, "You what?!"

"Hey! Bring your voice down," Jessie said, looking around at the people around them. Some people were staring at the two, but others weren't.

"Anyway," Jessie diverted the conversation, "Let's talk about something happier! What's your favourite colour?"

(Y/n) was distracted by Jessie's chest pressing against his arm. He was at unease with this, and he was incredibly uncomfortable.

"I'm not answering your questions until you take your chest off of my arm. You're making me extremely uncomfortable," (Y/n) yelled lightly.

Jessie pressed her chest onto his arm even more, "Awww... you sure?? Do you not like it??"

(Y/n) took his arm away from Jessie, "No! Get the fuck off of me!"

"That's rude! What did I even do," Jessie weeped.

"What do you think you did?! I told you to get off of me, and you didn't! Listen next time and maybe you can actually be a decent "girlfriend,"" he put girlfriend in air-quotes, "I'm going to class now. Cya later."

"Cya, babe," She called out, waving.

Hearing the word 'babe' slip off of her tongue sent shivers down his spine. He never ever wanted Jessie to refer to him as that, nonetheless be referred to as his girlfriend.

He zoned out while walking to class. He entered chemistry and looked around to see if Tommy was in his class. He scanned the room and didn't see Tommy. He frowned and took a seat at a 4 person table. There were already 2 people there, so there were 2 empty seats left. (Y/n) took his seat and waited for class to begin.

"Oh my gosh! Hi! Such a coincidence," Jessie's voice rang out.

(Y/n)'s head snapped up. He saw her talking to one of the girls across from him. He looked down in hopes she wouldn't recognize him, but Jessie must have some really good memory.

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