Chapter 11- 1 Month Later

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~~~No POV~~~

(Y/n) isolated himself for weeks. All of his friends were worried about him. He never checked social media except for Twitter. He had numerous DMs from Tommy, Tubbo, and other people he knew.

He ignored every DM that he received and scrolled through Twitter.

He still saw every tweet about his weight. He's made progress in a month. Some fans were worried about where he was, but he replied with a simple "something came up."

He kept on doing his routine: his mother would bring him food, he'd eat a bit of it, then he'd go and throw it up.

That's what (Y/n) had just finished doing. He wiped his mouth and struggled to stand up. His legs shook intensely as he gripped onto the marble countertop.

He stared at himself in the mirror. His hair was messed up, so he ran his hands through his hair. He looked at his hand and noticed all of the hair that he took out. He shook his hand to get the hair off since he noticed this happened a lot.

(Y/n) looked back in the mirror to see he was crying.

What had he become of himself?

He lifted his now too big dark red and dark grey striped shirt to see his stomach. He made progress since the last time he was on camera.

You could see his ribs. (Y/n) thought that was a good thing.

He let his shirt fall and noticed his dizziness. He stumbled his way to his bed before falling forward onto the bed.

He woke up and heard his ringtone. It was the default ringtone that every new phone had.

He picked up the phone as best as he could to see that Tommy was facetiming him. He didn't want to ignore Tommy any longer, and he wanted help desperately.

He weakly pressed the accept button and put his phone back on the desktop table.

Tommy heavily exhaled, "(Y/n)!? Are you okay?!"

"T-Tommy," (Y/n) stuttered out. It's been weeks since he's spoken. (Y/n) started to feel tears prick his eyes.

"(Y/n)..? Could you please put the camera towards you? I'm worried.."

(Y/n)'s eyes widened. He didn't want anybody to see him like this. He was paler than a vampire and skinnier than a stick.

(Y/n) weakly spoke while crying, "S-Sure..."

(Y/n) propped his phone up against his lamp. He saw worry lacing Tommy's face.

Tommy put one hand over his mouth and lightly gasped, "(Y/n).., what happened?"

"I.., I guess that dono got to me..," He sadly spoke.

Tommy stated, "I'm coming over now."

And with that, Tommy hung up.

Was Tommy gonna come over now?


Word Count: 419 words

Ok so the next one or two chapters are gonna be shorter, but they're gonna be along the lines of angst. After that, I promise I'll make it up to you guys

And the confession chapter may be coming up soon~ ;]

Make sure to eat, drink, sleep well, and vote on this chapter ;}}

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