Chapter 21- Quote-Unquote "Finger Paint"

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(Tw: small mentions of su!cide. There will be a mark for whenever it gets near that part.)

~~3rd person: Tommy~~

He felt anger flow through his veins when he saw Jessie with her dumb smirk. He ran across the street, not caring if cars were coming, and grabbed Jessie by the collar of her shirt.

Tommy yelled, his voice raspy from how loud he yelled, "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO (Y/N)?!"

"I did nothing whatsoever-," She spoke in what sounded like a mysterious voice.

"Don't fucking lie! I see your fists," He used his other hand to bring up Jessie's right fist, the red colour slowly drying, "don't act all innocent whenever you have committed a crime!"

"I don't know what crime you're talking about! We simply started doing finger paint, and the paint got all over my hand," She smiled innocently. If you were anyone else, her story almost seemed believable.

Tommy tightened his grip on the girl's collar, "Then why don't we go take a look at (Y/n)? I wanna see what he painted."

"No!! I-I mean.., sure," She quickly changed up her answer.

Tommy he nodded, letting go of Jessie's collar. He tightly grabbed her wrist so she wouldn't run off.

He walked the small distance to (Y/n)'s door, knocking. His mother opened the door and smiled, "Hello, Tom! Come on in!"

Tommy smiled back as he dragged Jessie back into the house she just left. He looked at (Y/n)'s mother, "Have you heard anything from (Y/n)? Has he been silent?"

"Well, now that I think about it, it's been a moment since I heard him rage at a game today," she lightly laughed at her own joke, Tommy also sympathetically laughing. He was too ticked off at the dumb bitch behind him.

"Alright, well, we're both gonna go see (Y/n)," He grinned, walking down the hall and to (Y/n)'s room. He knocked on the door, hoping for a response. Any response.

There wasn't a response.

He glared at Jessie, Jessie slightly shrinking. She actually seemed scared, but it was probably just an act she put on.

He rolled his eyes and looked back at the door, opening it slowly. He looked around for (Y/n), but one thing caught his eye.

A small pool of blood in the corner of his room.

A trail of what seemed like someone was dragged somewhere else.

"Okay, I left him in that corner," she blindly admitted.

Tommy looked at Jessie, "So you did abuse him?"

"Yeah, duh. He was getting on my nerves! Plus, he never did anything I told him to," She scoffed.

Tommy started to scold Jessie, his tone clearly upset, "First of all, he shouldn't have to do anything you told him to. Second of all, you don't have to use him as an outing for your anger, idiot!"

"Jeez, fine," She rolled her eyes.

"Don't think you're getting out of this easily," He smirked, calling out, "Mrs. (L/n)! Call 999!!"

She called back, "Why?"

"We have an abuser amidst us! She hurt your son!"

The sound of footsteps rapidly approaching them was heard.

"Is my baby okay?!"

"We have no clue yet, but there are clear pieces of evidence that Jessie abused (Y/n)," He was proud of himself for finally making Jessie get what she deserved.

(Y/n)'s mother glared at Jessie, "You did what to my son?"

"He was getting on my ne-"

(Y/n)'s mother slapped Jessie across her face.

"I thought you were a good person. I'm gonna go dial 999 immediately!"

(Y/n)'s mother ran off, quickly picking up her phone and dialing the number.

"Looks like you're gonna get taken care of," Tommy strained a smile, "now, we're finding (Y/n)."


He continued to drag Jessie around (Y/n)'s room. He followed the trail of blood and it lead to the bathroom. The door was closed, so he lightly knocked incase (Y/n) was still conscious, "Hello?"

You could hear a faint mumble from inside along with crying.

"Just kill me already."—

—Was what could he heard.

Tommy spoke, "(Y/n)! I'm here!"

"I can't endure this.. just.. I want to die."—

—was yet another mumble heard.


Tommy started to panic as he glared back at Jessie with a look saying, "you'll pay for this."

He tried opening the door, but it was locked. He feared what (Y/n) may do if he was alone, so he rummaged through his pocket and found a Bobby pin.


He began to pick lock the door, not once letting go of Jessie's wrist. In a short amount of time, he got the door unlocked.

"(Y/n) won't want to see you, you damn abuser," Tommy turned around and spoke angrily at Jessie, "go away."

He let go of Jessie's wrist and watched her run off. She wouldn't get far since he already heard police cars down the road.

He opened the door and ran over to (Y/n). His clothes were soaked in his own blood and he had a ton of open wounds along his arms and legs. He noticed that (Y/n) had been trying to seal off the wounds with bandaids because some were covered.

Tommy knelt down next to (Y/n), doing his best to comfort him, (Y/n), I'm here now. You'll be okay."

(Y/n) looked up at Tommy, his hands shaking, "Will I? Will I ever be okay?"

Tommy nodded, "Yes, she is going to go to jail for a long time. I'm here now."

He hadn't cared if he would also be covered in blood, so he hugged (Y/n). He felt (Y/n) shakily hug him back, and he smiled.

"Thank you, Tommy.."

"You're welcome, (Y/n)."

Some paramedics walked through the door and saw (Y/n)'s condition. They put (Y/n) on a stretcher and began bringing him out. Tommy walked next to (Y/n) until he got to the ambulance.

"Hey, Toms," (Y/n) slightly raised his head to look at Tommy.

Tommy hummed, "Hm?"

"..I love you."

"I love you too, (Y/n)."


Word count: 1019 words

Wooo I literally wrote this in 30 minutes lmao

Anywwayyy enjoy this for a celebration of 10k reads! I still can't thank you all enough skfnajskdb

The story is also going somewhere relationship-wise so stay tuned for that :3

Make sure to vote on this chapter, drink some water, get some sleep, and eat some food!!


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