Chapter 14-

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~~~3rd person: (Y/n)~~~

(Y/n), his mother, and Tommy all finished (meal).

"Thank you for the food, mother," (Y/n) smiled. He felt better already; despite the slight stomach ache.

"You're welcome," His mother smiled.

"Come on, let's go back to my room," (Y/n) lightly grinned while taking hold of Tommy's hand. Tommy's face went red at the sudden contact, but he followed (Y/n).

(Y/n) sat down in his gaming chair, seemingly back to who he was. Even though he only ate one meal, he felt better than ever.

(Y/n) pondered, "I kind of want to stream. My viewers need a bit of an explanation."

"You do what you wanna do," Tommy shrugged.

(Y/n) turned the chair around to face his desk. He opened multiple applications, but quickly spat out, "I have a beanbag in my closet if you wanna get that to sit on."

"Sure," Tommy walked over to (Y/n)'s closet and attempted to take out the beanbag.

(Y/n) couldn't see Tommy struggling to get the beanbag out because he was setting up stream. He wasn't gonna put up his starting soon screen but instead start the stream immediately.

He still looked terrible. He was still pale, and his shirt was still too big on him. He hoped the viewers wouldn't pay attention.

He pressed the start button and started the stream. Viewers started flooding in quickly. People were starting to spam "WHAT HAPPENED?", "WHERE WERE YOU???" and "ARE YOU OKAYY???"

(Y/n) looked at chat and spoke, "Chat, I'm okay-" (Y/n) saw Tommy struggling to get the beanbag out of the closet through the webcam.

"PPPHAHAHAHA-" (Y/n) burst out in laughter before getting up. He shakily walked over to the closet and tugged on the beanbag. He got it out much quicker than Tommy, and chat started to laugh because of it.

"IT'S NOT FUNNY," Tommy argued before sitting aggressively on the beanbag.

(Y/n) sat back down in his chair with a smile before turning to the camera. His smile immediately fell once he looked at his camera, "Ok, so you guys are probably wondering where I was for a month."

He looked at chat and saw the messages quickly scrolling, but he could see the messages saying "YESYES" and " WHEREWEREUUUU"

"Well chat..," (Y/n) hesitated. He contemplated whether he wanted to go on depth about the full thing. He started to think about what he was gonna say. Was he gonna tell them that it started with Tubbo's stream and got worse from there? Was he gonna tell everyone that he starved himself?

Tommy moved the beanbag next to (Y/n)'s chair. He took hold of his hand while looking up at him. From this angle, Tommy looked like a child asking a parent for candy.

(Y/n) looked at his hand and then at Tommy. He lightly smiled and looked back at the camera, "Chat, I haven't been in the right mind. As you can tell, I'm not really in the nicest shape right now. Because of this, I won't be streaming a ton until I've healed, but I thought you all deserved a stream."

(Y/n)'s chat was full of understanding people, so they didn't mind. They all hoped (Y/n) would be alright, and some even wished him a happy recovery.

(Y/n) teared up at how nice his chat was, "Chat, you're gonna make me cry! Anyway, I wanna keep the stream going for at most another 30 minutes. What should we do?"

(Y/n) looked at chat. They were spamming "Minecraft" and some other games, but then a dono popped up on stream.

The dono readout, "Hey! Not sure if you'd see my message through the chat, but can you play"

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