Chapter 17- "Hey~"

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~~~3rd Person: (Y/n)~~~

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

"Ughhh..," (Y/n) rolled over to face the source of the annoying noise. It was his phone.

He slumped his arm over to his bed stand and hit his phone with force, causing it to fall off his bed stand.

"Ughhh, I don't wanna get upppp..," (Y/n) complained.

"Well you have to," an all too familiar voice chimed.

(Y/n)'s head snapped up, "Tommy?! How'd you get in my house?!"

"Your mom let me in," Tommy explained, "Now, I know your history of snoozing alarms, so I came to make sure you weren't late. Come on, get ready."

"No," (Y/n) put the bedsheets over his head, quickly taking them off, "Why is it so hot under the sheetssss..?"

"Hmmm, I don't know," Tommy acted oblivious, "maybe because you're using a comforter?"

"Oh yeah," (Y/n) realized. He quickly got up before walking to to Tommy. He sluggishly raised his arm and hit Tommy's head with his fist. It wasn't a hard punch, but not a soft one, either, "This is what you get for waking me up."

"Your alarm woke you up, not me," Tommy clarified.

"Look at you being all mature," (Y/n) mocked.

"Says you," Tommy argued. (Y/n) replied by flipping him off.

"Offended," Tommy gasped.

"Good. Now, if you don't mind, I need to change," (Y/n) was in more of a pissy mood in the mornings. He indirectly asked Tommy to step outside for a moment.

"Right," Tommy pointed finger guns at (Y/n) and left the room. He stood outside the door until called back inside.

(Y/n) lightly smiled at Tommy before looking through his closet.

"Do I want to wear this..? Maybe, but there's this also..." (Y/n) talked to himself. He ended up choosing a white polo shirt with a bag that was strewn across his chest. He topped off the outfit with some black slacks and white sneakers.

 He topped off the outfit with some black slacks and white sneakers

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(Y/n) picked up the school bag he prepared the night before. He slung the bag over his shoulders and walked out of his room.

"Let's go," (Y/n) opened his door. He wasn't excited for school to start again, and he had been a bit grouchy because of it.

"Chill out," Tommy lightly laughed at (Y/n), "the worst thing that could happen is someone recognizing you."

(Y/n) stopped. He had forgotten about that. He wouldn't have had a problem going back, but he did a face reveal a few months back. How could he be seen at school if he was basically internet famous?

(Y/n) felt someone grab his hand, and it was Tommy. He looked up and stared.

"Calm down, (Y/n). It isn't that bad," Tommy smiled, reassuring (Y/n), "I'll make sure nothing bad happens to you!"

(Y/n) calmed down, "A-Alright.. but if something happens, I'm blaming you!"

"Now, that isn't fair," Tommy scolded.

"Eh," (Y/n) shrugged before running out of his house. He made Tommy chase after him, and Tommy wasn't very athletic.

(Y/n) turned his head to look at Tommy, "Slow poke!"

Tommy began to sprint, quickly catching up to (Y/n). He was panting heavily.

"Oh shit," (Y/n) slowed down, "You alright? You tired?"

"Yeah," Tommy panted, folding over in exhaustion.

"Hey, don't lean over," (Y/n) advised, "stand straight up. Put your hands on your head."

Tommy did as (Y/n) said, and his breathing quickly began to even.

"Thanks, (Y/n)! You saved my life," Tommy thanked, exaggerating.

"Now, don't be ridiculous," (Y/n) joked, "Now, let's go. College is just a few blocks from here."

"Aye-aye," Tommy agreed.


Tommy and (Y/n) entered the school. The moment they walked in, students around them went silent. Students muttered about the two.

"Isn't that (Y/n)? Isn't he basically famous?"

"Yeah.., I've heard things about him, though..."

(Y/n) shook off anything bad that person could've been talking about. Suddenly, (Y/n) felt an arm wrap around him and a high-pitch voice sing out, "Hey~."

"Uhm," (Y/n) peeled the girl off of him, "do I know you?"

"No," the girl shrugged, "but my name's Jessie! We're in the same photography and film class!"

(Y/n) nodded, acknowledging Jessie, "Mhm, nice. Now, if you don't mind, I'm gonna get to my class." Him and Tommy walked away from the girl.

Jessie reached out to (Y/n), "Wait!!"

(Y/n) stopped and groaned, "What?"

"I-I needed to tell you something," Jessie fumbled with her thumbs, "I... I like you! I know we just got back, but I couldn't hold in my emotions!"

(Y/n) spoke, giving Jessie the hard truth, "Look, I have no idea who you are. How am I supposed to like you if I never knew you existed? Now, I need to get to class. Bye." He turned around and walked off with Tommy. Whenever the two boys got far enough from Jessie, Tommy folded over in laughter.

"PLEASE-" Tommy gasped for air.

(Y/n) was lightly laughing himself, "That was... interesting..."

"That was so random-" Tommy composed himself, "Anyway, what's your first class?"

"Maths," (Y/n) recalled.

"Same! Let's go," Tommy smiled cheerfully. He grabbed (Y/n)'s hand and rushed to math class. The two sped down the hallway, and they eventually got to math.

"Good morning, you two! Welcome back," The math teacher, Mrs.Hudgins, grinned, "Feel free to take a seat anywhere!"

As Tommy and (Y/n) we're the first people in class, they chose some of the seats near the back of the room. The tables were separated into groups of two, so they didn't have to worry about anyone sitting near them.

(Y/n) pulled out his phone. He scrolled through Twitter and like some fanart he saw. His attention diverted from his phone to the door because classmates poured into the classroom. (Y/n) got a nervous and began to bounce his leg. He forgot what it was like to be in a school environment with people around him.

His nerves were quickly calmed with Tommy taking hold of (Y/n)'s hand.

"You'll be fine, I promise. Again, I'll make sure nothing bad happens."

"Thank you, Toms."

The two smiled at each other and paid attention to the lesson. It was more-or-less an introduction day because everyone was gone for a while, but neither Tommy or (Y/n) were complaining.

(Y/n) knew that if he stuck by Tommy's side, his day would be fine. Right?


Word count: 1095 words




*not proofread*

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