Chapter 7

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The next 3 and a half hours passed without incident. He remained - chained by collar to the ceiling, naked, blindfolded, arms tied together behind his back, e-stim plugged, in chastity, headphones playing loud techno strapped to his ears and a bullet vibrator strapped to his leg. He didn't make another mistake repeating the phrases he had been given, every time he felt the vibration on his leg:

"I am a sissy cum dump" and then two minutes later "I need to serve alpha cock to be happy" every two minutes for almost 4 hours, perfectly alternated, never late. His supervisor sat at her laptop, watching netflix and youtube while painting her nails and texting her friends, barely paying him any notice - just occasionaly checking the charge left in the vibrator and that the speech recognition software was still running smoothly.

When the alarm went off on her phone she got up from the laptop and went out of the room where, right outside the door in the hall was a small fridge. She removed a tray of six ice cubes and walked back in to the dungeon.

She turned off the vibrations and music then paused, watching how her slave reacted. His muscles convulsed in fear when he heard the music stop.

"Alright honey, now, you must be thirsty..." she walked over to him, carrying the ice cubes. He tried to move away from the sounds she was making on the floor but could only get the 3 inches his collar would allow. "Show me the position I want!" she said sharply. He snapped his ass out behind him. "More!" he stuck his ass up more, taking more pressure on his neck from his collar. "Now open your mouth" - he hesitated for a second then, slowly, opened his mouth.

She popped out of the tray one of the ice cubes and placed it on his tongue and then, pushing his chin, shut his mouth and held it closed. "Now if you spill one drop of that you will get a big punishment, not one drop. Do you understand me?" he nodded his head. "Good girl" she told him. "It's a cum cube. When you're finished I want to hear what you thought of your first taste of cum"

There was a silence in the room, she smiled at him.

"As soon as it's finished you open your mouth to show me you're finished your cum like a good girl, you understand?" he nodded his head.

What she wasn't telling him was that the cum was also mixed with a full cocktail of Hormone Replacement Therapy drugs. Drugs to make his body stop producing testosterone and start producing estrogen. Drugs to speed up his tits growing. Drugs to make his penis shrink. There was even a drug in the mix to help his ass get fat faster. She watched him sucking on the cum cube, feeling the texture of cum in his mouth for the first time. He opened his mouth to display it was completely empty.

"Good girl! And not one drop spilled! ... Heh! Keep it open! I didn't tell you to close it!" he shot his mouth back open and she placed another cum cube on his tongue. He began sucking on it. "That's right, good girl. Drink all your cum. Remember to show me when it's finished. Remember, spill one drop and you'll be in big trouble!" This time when he opened his mouth, showing it empty, he left it open. "So what do you think of the taste of cum?"

He kept his mouth open, and didn't move. "I'm asking you a question, I expect an answer. Do you like the taste of cum?"

"I'm a sissy cum dump?" he said sounding unsure.

"Mouth open!" she snapped at him, he opened his mouth immediately. "I know you're a sissy cum dump, that's not what I'm asking. I really want to know what you think about the taste of cum." she paused and then said in a friendlier tone "Come on, you can tell me". He hesitated before answering

"I don't like it" She quickly walked over to the desk, put down the cubes and picked up the paddle. "No! Wait! I like it! I like it!" she smacked his ass with the paddle hard. "I LIKE IT!"

"You love cum!" she hit his ass with the paddle

"I love cum! Thank you for teaching me!" he wailed back

"You love to drink cum!" another spank

"I love to drink cum! Thank you for teaching me!" she hit him again "Thank you for teaching me! I love to drink cum!" Another paddle. "Thank you for teaching me! I Love to drink cum! I love it." Another hard smack. "PLEASE! I LOVE IT! I LOVE CUM! THANK YOU FOR TEACHING ME!"

"That's right. Position!" he presented his ass properly again. She walked back to the desk and replaced her paddle for the cum cubes. "Mouth open" She placed another cube in his mouth. "This time when you finish I want to hear 'Thank you for feeding me cum, I love the way it tastes' before you present your empty mouth. Understand?" He nodded. There were several moments of silence and then

"Thank you for feeding me cum, I love the way it tastes" She smiled at him, helpless, naked, blindfolded, tied up.

"Good girl, now finish the rest without any mistakes and I'll give you a little reward." She placed the 4th cube on his tongue.

"Thank you for feeding me cum, I love the way it tastes" cubes 5 and 6 went down the same way.

When he had finished all 6 cubes she walked back to the table and sat down at the laptop while he knelt with his mouth open.

"From now on, when you're not talking, or drinking cum, you keep your mouth open just like that, do you understand me?" He nodded.

She opened the 'E-Stim' app on her computer.

'Plug Connected' it read in green letters. She smiled. "Now about that reward I promised you..." there was silence as she spoke "you've been a good girl." She manouvered the mouse over a slider which read Voltage and moved the dial from 0 to 1, he began to squirm around. "Mouth. Open!" he unclenched his jaw. "Position!" he stuck his ass out in the air.

She slid the dial up to 2 volts, the squirming intensified. "Do you want to be punished?"

"No! Please, no!"

"Well you better keep that mouth open and that ass in the air, now I won't tell you again" he immediately complied.

She slid the dial up to 4 volts. He began to moan, but these were not moans of pain. She picked the paddle up, walked behind him and smacked his ass hard - he flinched. "Mouth! Now!" He opened his mouth again and his moans got louder.

She slid the dial up to 5 volts. The moans got louder still.

6 volts and he was unable to control the sounds of his pleasure, letting out long, deep sighs of pleasure. His open mouth began to drool across his naked chest. She stood for a moment watching him mantain his position.

Carefully she moved the dial to 7 volts. He could not be still, moaning and struggling to hold his ass in position. He was clearly on the edge of orgasm. She waited. His cage was leaking a lot of pre-cum but it wasn't enough to take him over the edge. She turned back to the laptop and raised the dial to 7.5 volts and immediately ropes of cum shot out of his chastity cage.

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