Chapter 3

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The security office was suprisingly small. In one corner was a desk and in the other a small cell.  Alexander was led straight in to the cell. No sooner was the cell door locked than the security guard turned and walked back out the security office without saying a word.

Alexander let out a deep breath and relaxed his shoulders. He felt safer to be alone. He looked down at himself, still wearing a pink mini skirt and blue thong, 'how embarassing' he thought.

He looked around the cell. There was a small metal toilet in the corner and a blanket on the floor in the opposite corner. There was a bright, luminous overhead light - 'impossible to sleep with that thing' he thought to himself. He picked up the blanket and draped it around himself.

He looked through the bars in to the security office. He noticed on the desk were a small set of monitors. He could see large crowds of people dancing in 2 of them, another showing the front desk with the pretty girl who had called the security guard sitting at it, and a monitor showing what appeared to be an empty room. 

Alexander looked at the people dancing for a few moments with only the faint sound of the music coming through the office door. They looked like they were enjoying themselves.

The security office door opened and in walked a tall, white, european looking man wearing a long, black leather jacket. He immediately noticed Alexander and gave him a look of concern, approaching the cell door.

"Hello young man" he spoke softly, in a thick Dutch accent. Alexander stood up and approached the cell bars.

"Who are you? Are you here to help me?" Alexander asked begining to sound panicked.

"Yes, yes. I am with the Dutch police..."

"Oh, thank God! You HAVE to help me! I'm being kidnapped!" Alexander explained, grabbing the cell bars. The tall man paused a moment, and looked Alexander up and down.

"Well you do appear to be in trouble..." he sat down and took out from his jacket a small pad and pen "Now, let us see if we can make some sense of this." Alexander watched him file through his pad to find an empty page, feeling slightly confused. "First of all what is your name?"

"Alexander Anderson"

"Do you have a middle name?"


"Ok, Alexander, and what is your Date of Birth?"

"Twenty second of the Seventh, two thousand and three"

"Great, and where are you from?"

"Guthrie, Oklahoma"

"Mmmhmm and your Address?"

"199 West Mansur Avenue"

"And you are visiting Amsterdam?"


"What hotel are you staying at?"

"St Christopher's Inn"

"Ah yes, on Warmoesstrat ?"

"uhm, yes... I think so..."

"Very good, and when are you due to check out?"

"... what has this got to do with my kidnapping?" Alexander said begining to get impatient

"Sir... please, I am trying to help you, you need to answer my question ?"

"... uhm, well in 2 days"

"Yes, and you go home in 2 days?"

"No, I'm going to Brussels next"

"Ah I see! You are touring around! How nice!" the man smiled a big smile, Alexander felt uneasy. "So when are you due to go home from your tour Alexander?" he asked after he stopped smiling.

"Well my flight home from Berlin is in 3 weeks"

"Ok. Ok. Well, I'm sure you will make your flight! Now, which room are you staying in at St Christopher's?"

"What? Why?"

"Sir, please, I need this information to fully investigate your case! Now the room is?"

"Room 26"

"26. Very good."

"Don't you want to hear about my kidnapping!? Like, how I ended up here!" The man looked at Alexander and smiled again.

"I know how you got here, Alexander... now let's talk about getting you home"

"Alright... Great!"

"What do you have in this room 26 that would confirm your identity?"


"Well, if you want me to believe you are who you say you are, how can I be sure? Maybe you're just claiming you stay here but you really stay somewhere else?"

"Why would I do that?"

"People do crazy things young man, now, what items have you in this room?"

"Uhm, well clothes, and my toothbrush, and a copy of the Bible, and my laptop and um I guess..."

"Your laptop, yes. What is the password to your laptop?"

"What? Surely you don't need that?!"

"Well it is quite safe to assume someone would keep all of those things in their room, who doesn't have clothes, or a toothbrush, every hotel room has a copy of the bible, everyone has a laptop with them!" The man lifted his hands in the air as if he was helpless to the circumstances " will have to give me the password so I can be sure it is yours when my fellow officers go to check!"

"Surely I don't have to! Is there not some other way I could prove this?!"

"This would be the quickest... you want to get out of there don't you?" Alexander turned pink and looked down at the floor.

"... Sissy Boi Two thousand and three with a capital B... boi with an I" the man chuckled softly to himself as he wrote it down.

"Can you unlock this cell now please?"

"Oh yes yes! Of course! How rude!... I'll just go and get the key from the security guard... I'll get you a glass of water as well, you've had quite the ordeal!" and with that he got up and left the security office as Alexander watched him leave from the cell.

He was gone for a long time.  Alexander sat on the cold floor, covering himself with the blanket. He sat alone for a long, long time.

When the security office door eventually opened, to Alexanders relief it was the Dutch police man again, but this time he had with him another man. He was younger than the police man, looked about 30, had a thick black beard and sallow skin. As soon as he saw Alexander he began smiling. The dutch police man walked up to the cell bars and gave Alexander a glass of water.

"Here, you must be thirsty!" and he was. Alexander drank the full glass of water in just a few seconds. Both men smiled at each other.

"Am I getting out now?" asked Alexander

"Oh yes, everything is ready now" answer the police man as he began unlocking the cell door.

"Could I have some clothes please?" Alexander clutched the blanket around him.

"Oh yes, you will have lots of clothes..." said the police man as he swung open the cell door and stepped in to the cell.

"Can I have some clothes now?" he fealt threatened as the police man approached.

"How do you feel Alexander?" the man smiled looking in to his eyes.

"I feel fi..." and with that Alexander slumped over in to the mans arms.

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