Chapter 1

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Alexander stood up and quickly moved towards the mirrored door next to the sink. It was locked. 'Did she leave via the street?' he thought. He moved to the other door in the room, this one wasn't a mirror, it was glass. He peeled the curtain back an inch and peered out. No sign of her, but a lot of people passing by, going about their business.

'How am I going to get out of here?' he thought with his heart rate rising and his nerves shredded. He felt stupid, and angry with himself. He went back to the mirrored door and tried the handle again. Still locked. He chapped it three times

"Hello?.. Is there anyone there?" no response. He waited a few moments and chapped again, this time harder, louder. "HELLO?! I NEED HELP!" Still no response. The sight of his naked body in the door was making him anxious, so he turned back to the bed and sat down on it.

His mind was racing. He couldn't be stuck here. After several minutes thinking Alexander had the idea to flag down a passer by on the street and ask them to phone the police. He figured he would be able to open the door only slightly and hide his naked body behind the curtain. It was the only solution he could think of, but even after he had settled on the plan in his mind he hesitated. After another couple of minutes thinking he realised there were no other options.

He rose to feet and moved towards the glass door to the street. Again he peeled the curtain back an inch. Everyone was a man, there were no women passing at all. 'I would have prefered to ask a woman in this situation' he thought. He waited, hoping to see someone he thought looked friendly.

'I'll just have to ask the next person I see' he thought as he turned the handle on the door, opening it an inch. He felt the cold, Amsterdam in October night air blowing in to the warm room and his body shivered a little, he pressed himself up against the curtain.

"Hello" - Alexander almost jumped out of his skin, letting out a small yelp when he heard the sound from behind him. He turned around and standing in front of him was an enormous, muscular black man. He was wearing dark tan trousers and no shirt. Every muscle in his arms and torso looked enormous and well developed. "Do yo' need help?" he asked in his thick African accent.

"Yes! The girl ran away with all my clothes and they had all my stuff in the pants!" Alexander said looking at the man with wide, bulging eyes, hiding his naked body behind the curtain.

"It illegal to show naked to the street..." he said pointing at the window. Again Alexander yelped, realising his naked body was visible to people walking passed. He let go of the curtain so that it was hiding the room from the street again but now he had nothing to cover himself up with. He cupped his penis and testicles with both his hands as he stood in front of the man.

"Could I have some clothes please!?" Alexander asked looking angrily at the man.

"Where are your clothes boi?" asked the man in his deep voice.

"I told you! She took them! They had my passport and my wallet and everything in them! I need the police!"

"Why did you give her your clothes?"

"I didn't give them to her! She STOLE them!"

"The bitch stole your clothes?" he said sounding genuinely concerned.

"YES! That's what I'm saying! Can I have something to put on please!?" Alexander asked again, still looking annoyed.

"Alright, sure, I'll take you to get your stuff back boi, no problem" The man said waving his hands about. 'He must be seven feet high' Alexander thought, noticing how big his hands were.

"OK Great! Thank you!"

"But I can't take your anywhere like that can I?" the man pointed at Alexanders naked body. "Let me find you some clothes" the man left through the mirrored door, which was left ajar. Alexander sat down on the bed feeling relieved, he looked at the floor to avoid seeing his nakededness and felt himself starting to calm down.

After a few minutes the man came back "Put this on" and threw on to the bed next to Alexander a very small pink shirt and bow tie with a matching mini skirt. Alexander looked up at him in suprise, his tension instantly returned

"But I can't..."

"There aren't any other clothes here - I don't even have a t-shirt! It's this or naked. If you want me to take you to get your stuff back I can't take you outside naked, so..."

"I can't wear this!"

"Well how are you going to leave to get your stuff?"

"Please, there must be something else I can wear!?"

"No, I looked. There's nothing. This or naked" They looked at each other. "You better get moving if you want to catch that bitch before she sells your shit"

Alexander immediately felt a pang of fear, 'how can I get home if I've lost my passport?' he thought.

"How far away is my stuff?" Alexander asked, looking at him skeptically.

"Oh it's not far, not far at all, but I just can't take you naked" Alexander stood up and began to take the clothes off their hangers. The man smiled.

He slid the skirt on first. Then he put on the shirt, it looked too small for him on the hanger, and it was a bit tight, but all the buttons went up. He left out the bow tie.

"Ok, lets go"

"Hang on" said the man

"What?!" Alexander said looking outraged, and feeling very vulnerable.

"Spin around"

"WHAT?!" spat Alexander

"I need to check something, and we can't leave 'till I have, Spin Around." Alexander stood looking at him, eventually, he slowly spinned round on the spot.

"Your penis, it's poking out the bottom of the skirt" Alexander tried to pull the skirt down but the waist band wouldn't go beyond his hips. "It's still poking..." after a few more futile attempts with his new skirt Alexander said:

"It's too short! What am I supposed to do!?"

"no problem, hang on..." again the man left through the mirrored door. This time he came back with a very small blue G-string thong. " this will help"

"What are you talking about?" Alexander sounded disgusted

"I don't want you to get arrested!" he pointed at the glass door "You can't show your penis on street!" he threw the panties on the bed next to Alexander "This all I have" He looked a little angry. "Put on. Now!"

Alexander noticed the man seemed to be getting angry and decided, as he was already wearing a mini skirt and womans top to just put them on and get moving after his belongings. The man watched him sit down and put on the thong and stand back up with the bois penis now tucked up under the pink mini-skirt.

"Yes, good boi. You ready. We go now"

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