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Filter Credit: @ sassiecod (Polarr)

                                               "To taste forbidden power;
                                                                       is to desolate. "

The first time it happened his eyes had turned a deadly gray and his world was lost in a blur of white. A coldness had seeped deep into his bones and set his insides alight. He had been shaking and shivering from within if that was even possible. A thousand knives pierced him from the inside.

Feeling the harsh embrace of the cold, he had covered himself with his arms in hopes of providing some warmth but it proved futile as the coldness only grew, slowly rendering him numb and slowly clouding his sense. His thoughts had gone from coherent to hazy.

Something foul and evil lurked at the back of his mind as it whispered tempting thoughts. Vile and tempting thoughts clouded his mind. Each one was more horrendous than the previous. He imagined driving a dagger into a human heart, watching the life slowly fade from their eyes, feeling the warmth of their blood in his hands. But really it was the fear that thrilled him.

The thought of his victim fearing him in their last moments like the prey feared the hunter excited him. It sent his blood-rushing and his adrenaline peaked. He was in a blissful high atop the highest cloud.

A laugh so terrible and taunting had echoed out in his ears, bringing him down from his high as he came crashing down. His ears rung and all he could hear was the vile, high-pitched laugh. It haunted him on sleepless nights and clouded his thoughts on lonely days. He never could forget it.

No matter how he tried, she always came back. Whether it be in his dreams or in form of invasive thoughts. She never left him alone. Not truly. Not completely. She haunted him in this very moment, taunting him with her laugh. He couldn't help but feel like the helpless boy who would've greedily followed her into her domain for more Turkish Delight, he didn't feel like King Edmund The Just, any longer.

Everywhere he turned, her laughter followed, overwhelming him and overpowering his senses. He couldn't escape from the maze she had built around him. Fear gripped him. He couldn't escape. He didn't know how to.

Unwanted memories flashed before his eyes. He remembered her harsh words, her sneers, and jeers when he'd failed to do the tasks she set and the twisted smile at the edge of her lips after she'd turn yet another Narnian to stone. Claiming yet another life. And decorating what remained of him in her courtyard. It had sickened him to his stomach.

Horror overrode his sense when he had realized he had been thinking exactly like her. He had even gone as far as imagining the pleasure he could get after his kill and the fear of his victim. Just like Jadis had.

He didn't want to be like her. Never in a million years would he wish to be her. Yet he did just that with very few differences.

Her laugh rang louder in his ears and the ringing grew and his head pounded. He slowly fell to his knees, his hand in his hands. The pounding only got worse, the more her laugh grew. His head felt like a ball of lead in his hands.

"Get out of my head," He hissed.

More laughter followed and his temple felt like it would burst with how severe the migraine seemed to be growing by the second. He couldn't even form coherent thoughts from how much his head ached.

'I'll always be alive in your mind, silly boy,' Her voice taunted back.

Edmund was too caught in the pain to notice the gentle rushing of feet towards him as a very concerned Susan, planted herself in front of him. Her lips curved into a frown as she noticed her brother on his knees, clutching his head.

"Ed, are you quite alright?" She placed a comforting hand on his shoulder and flinched as if she had been directly placing her hand on a block of ice, the concern in her voice grow, "Edmund, what's going on? Are you ill? Shall I fetch a healer-"


Susan flinched and froze in her place, her mouth agape. Since the first time she had entered the room did she notice the vast grayness in his eyes in place of his warm, brown eyes. It stared at her with so much hate and animosity that she could barely recognize him.

She was stuck to her spot as a newfound terror paralyzed her. Her lips trembled and her hands shook, fear was evident in her beautiful cerulean eyes. She didn't know what to do, how to process what she was witnessing. All she knew was that the creature that stared back at her couldn't be her brother.

She searched for the courage to speak, for her voice but it seemed to be lost as words seemed to fail her. She wanted to say something, she needed to but the fear wrapped itself around her like an iron chain.

Edmund's eyes brightened threateningly and she anticipated his next with bated breath. But he fell forward with a thud, limp and helpless and into a dreamless sleep.


Poor Ed :')

- A

D  E S O L A T I O N ll Edmund Pevensie ll NarniaWhere stories live. Discover now