10. In The Beginning

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Maya POV

As soon as my head hits the pillow, I drift into a deep sleep, but I don't stay there. After only a few hours, the dreams are starting. But they're not dreams as such, more like memories. Every memory I've ever had, of sleepovers with Jo, barbecues with Sam and Uncle Bobby, and mechanic lessons with Dean, flooding my head.

Years of an alternate childhood are drowning me, but in a good way. I wake up in a sweat due to the sheer intensity. Sam, who has apparently spent the night on the couch in my room, and not gone to a motel in town, looks as though he hasn't really slept all night. He comes over to the bed as soon as he sees I'm awake to check I'm okay.

'Are you okay? Maya, what's wrong?' Sam asks, his concerned expression back and better than ever.

'Yeah, yeah, I'm fine...' I mumble. 'Sam, I remember everything... I remember everything!' my smile grows as I throw my arms around his neck. I can feel his grin against my head as he pulls me close and kisses the side of my head, lightly, so that I nearly don't feel it.

Sam helps me up out of bed, because my legs are still a bit wobbly after last night, which confirms itself as I trip over my own feet, stumbling to the floor. Dean, who apparently also spent the night here, comes rushing in as if something's attacking us.

'What's going on?' he asks blearily, his hair messy from sleep. I rush up to him as fast as I can and hug him tight too.

'I remember everything, Dean. I know who I am now,' I smile as I burrow into the familiar big-brother scent of oil and whiskey. I wince as he picks me up and spins me around, grinning as if he's never grinned before. I'm so relieved I remember a life with these boys and Uncle Bobby, that when he walks in, all I do is hug him tight and he completely understands. Uncle Bobby hugs me even tighter and doesn't have to say a word.

When I've cooked breakfast (eggs and bacon), I suggest to Uncle Bobby that I start hunting with the boys, and get used to the life. I feel like I've always been protected and left out, even though they know I can look after myself.

'Come on, Uncle Bobby! How could you not trust them with me?' I gesture behind me at the Winchesters, knowing full well that Dean's smirking and Sam's doing his puppy dog eyes.

Uncle Bobby sighs.

'Fine, just call in whenever you can, just to tell me you're okay,' he says, shaking his head slightly as if even he can't believe he's saying this.

Sure enough, a few hours later, we find a motel in Nebraska City. I know that Dean snores, loud, and Sam wants to keep an eye on him after the whole Hell thing. He knows I can look after myself, so I booked my own room next to theirs under the name 'Dakota Drew'. Who knows, maybe the angels can still find me here.


I wake the boys by frying some more bacon in a pan in their room. Soon enough, they're flocking around me like pigeons to breadcrumbs. Weird comparison, I know.

After we've eaten, I tell them about a case I've found.

'So, in a small town in Colorado, there's been quite a few unnatural deaths, all within the radius of this one hotel,' I start.

'Unnatural, how?' Dean asks.

'They all got thrown out of a window,' I retort, and Dean rolls his eyes.

'How is that unnatural?' Sam asks. 'They could just be murders.'

'Aha, that's what I thought,' I say, holding my finger up. 'But, 'The Forest Queen Hotel' had a suicide in the early 1800's. A girl named Elizabeth was staying there in 1823, and fell in love with a man who turned out to be a con, and managed to take all her savings, before skipping town. She was broke, and you guessed it - threw herself out of a window into the creek below,' I explain triumphantly.

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