1. First Hunt and First Meetings

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Maya's POV

'Uncle Bobby!' I yelled from the yard.

No answer.

'Uncle Bobby!' I yelled louder.

Still, no answer.


'Maya Drew Singer! If you don't get your ass in here instead of yelling at me, you won't get fed for a week!'

I didn't wait one second to sprint into the house.

'Uncle Bobby! I need some help with the Dodge Ram out front!' I yelled back while I ran into the kitchen, where he was trying to cook burgers. Somehow, he was failing.

'Since when did you need help fixing up a car?' he questioned, with that look. I sighed.

'Fine, I dropped my anti-possession charm, and I can't find it...' I muttered.

'Again! How is it possible to lose 13 charms in a month?!' Uncle Bobby said.

'Well, sorry! Wouldn't it be easier if I just got a tattoo?' I protested.

'No! You are my niece, and you are not getting a tattoo! Even if it is anti-possession!' he protested back, wiping his hands on a rag.

'But imagine if I was on a hunt, and I lost my charm, and I didn't realise! How would you feel if I didn't have a permanent anti-possession mark and I got possessed?' I tried to persuade him, even though I knew deep down it wasn't going to work.

'Don't you speak like that! There's some more charms in the drawer of the desk,' he sighed, gesturing to the living room.

As I started walking out of the kitchen to grab another charm to hook onto the bracelet I've had since I was three, I heard Uncle Bobby again.

'And could you make some sandwiches for lunch? I've managed to cock up those burgers again!'

'Sure!' I laughed.

Once I'd found a pentagram charm, I hooked it onto the bracelet with all the other charms we'd managed to collect over the years. Uncle Bobby had never let me go on a hunt, but he taught me everything in case it came to it.

I knew he didn't mean it when he asked for a sandwich, so I found some meat in the fridge and made burger patties that I fried up with some onions and then served to him with a beer.

'You know, I don't know what I'd do without you Maya,' he smiled. 'You can cook, you clean, and you helped me get this place back on its feet!'

'It's no trouble, Uncle Bobby, really,' I grinned back. Years ago, after Auntie Karen died, Uncle Bobby stopped running the scrapyard, and the business had gone under. But as soon as I got old enough, I raised money by working in a garage in town, and opened it up again. Using my new skills, I opened a garage of my own, and I'm now a qualified mechanic.

I don't mind doing everything, I really don't. As long as it keeps Uncle Bobby going, I'm happy. He's the only family I've got left, since that demon possessed Auntie Karen, and my parents died when I was barely one year old.

'Maya, I've been thinking, I know you want to hunt, and I know I've taught you everything... Would you like to go on a case I've found not far from here?' he beamed.

'You're kidding me, right?! You've always been against it, and now you're just letting me go?! I love you so much, Uncle Bobby! Thank you so much!' I yelled, running up to him and kissing his cheek.

'Hey! Don't get too excited! It's just a simple salt and burn!' he laughed. 'You can take the pick-up truck if you want.'

'Uh, which truck? You do realise I've fixed up four in the last month?' I smiled.

'Take whichever, you're the one who's gonna have to mend it if you damage it,' I just stuck my tongue out and grabbed the keys for the old GMC sitting out front.

'Where's the case then?' I asked, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge, and some money off the counter for a motel and food.

'Dakota State University, Madison, it's only about an hour away. Apparently, a girl was murdered on campus about five years ago, and for whatever reason, she's now killing her old teachers. She's buried at St Thomas Cemetery. You got it?' he asked as I nodded, my mouth still stuck in a huge smile.


Once I'd got to the cemetery in Madison, it was getting dark already, which would make it easier to dig up the grave without being seen. I made sure I had a lighter, fuel and salt, and set out to find the girl's grave.

Uncle Bobby said her name was Emma Murdoch, and before went back to the truck to get the shovel, I wanted to find the right one. You know, in case I burned some innocent person's corpse.

The cemetery was huge, and split into sections by small walls and gates. As I went in the section next to the parking lot, I saw a flickering light - fire. There was someone else here burning the bones. My fingers wrapped around the cool metal of the gun in my back pocket, and I made sure my FBI badge that Uncle Bobby made was in the other one.

Creeping up on the figure standing over the grave, they began to turn around.

'FBI! Hand's in the air!' I yelled.

'I'm not do- Maya?' I heard them ask. The fire behind them meant I couldn't see their face, that they were only a silhouette, so I grabbed the small flashlight I kept on my keys if I didn't have a big one handy.

'Rufus?' I was shocked to see Uncle Bobby's friend there, the one that helped us when Auntie Karen got possessed.

'Hey Dakota! What's up? What are you doing here?' his nickname for me was Dakota. You know, 'cause I came from South Dakota and everything.

'Uncle Bobby let me go on a hunt,' I said proudly. 'Simple salt and burn, but I can see you beat me to it,' I smiled, giving him a quick hug.

'You got a motel or anything?' Rufus asked, walking me back to the truck.

'I wasn't planning on staying, get the job done and get home,' I grinned.

'Fair enough, it was nice seeing you, Maya,' he said, ruffling my hair.

'You too, Rufus,' I smiled. 'Don't leave it so long next time, yeah?'

'Sure thing, Dakota, see you later.

I got back in the truck and pulled out of the cemetery. On the journey back, I went to call Uncle Bobby, but saw that I had a voicemail from him.

'Is it working? Maya? Maya, I'm going out to a friend's to help him out with something, be back in the morning? Hopefully tomorrow afternoon, dinner's in the fridge, love ya,' I heard before the beep sounded to tell me he'd hung up after that.

Whenever he said he was helping a friend, he wouldn't be back for at least a day, and he'd only left the message half an hour ago. After a drive in the dark (I hate driving in the dark), I pulled up to the scrapyard, where Uncle Bobby had been kind enough to leave the lights on.

After I heated up the barbecue ribs he'd left in the fridge, I heaved my two bags (clothes and weapons) over my shoulders and went upstairs to eat and unpack.

'Bobby!' a deep bellow came from downstairs. Instinctively, I slipped my knife into my belt, and grabbed my shotgun and my pistol. I knew the all the steps on the staircase that would creak from years of creeping out at night, so I avoided all the weak spots.

I noticed two shadows move into the kitchen, and I manoeuvred my way around the endless piles of books and papers. Their backs were turned so I quickly pointed my shotgun at them. With any luck, at least one of the pellets would hit each of them.

'Put your hands up, and turn around,' I said slowly. The two men did what I said, and soon I was face to face with a tall man with longish brown hair, not much older than me, and a shorter one with short light brown hair.

'Who are you, and what do you want?' I hissed.

'We're the Winchesters, and we're looking for Bobby Singer. Who are you?'

A/N: so this is pretty much my first attempt at a supernatural fanfic so please comment what you think, even if it's rubbish? ;P x

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