9. Are You There God? It's Me, Maya Singer (2)

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Maya POV

‘Well, Maya, you seem to be handling this pretty well,’ Dean says on the car journey to Olivia’s.

‘Well, there’s not much I can do about it is there?’ I smile at him. I really hope I’ll start to get some memories back soon, it’s hard not knowing everything these boys do. Uncle Bobby thinks they will, and after all, he is master of all knowledge and research.

They both look at each other and agree. I get on so well with them, it’s hard not to think we haven’t known each other for years.

‘So, what am I to you guys? Little sister, best friend, what?’ I ask. They share a look I can’t place, and Dean smirks.

‘Well, Dean treats you like a little sister, but I’m not that condescending,’ Sam grins. ‘We’re really good friends, have been since we were little.’

‘What about Jo and Ellen? Are you guys close with them?’

‘Me and Jo get along, but she’s got something special with Dean,’ he laughs and nudges his brother.

‘Dean! You have a crush on Jo?!’ I exclaim, leaning forward in my seat.

‘No! I mean, yeah, I like her, but… Leave me alone!’ he complains.

‘Any old stories you guys could tell me that could jog my memory?’ I ask them after me and Sam have stopped laughing at Dean’s indignant expression. Maybe if they tell me stories I should remember, I might actually remember them. They think for a minute before Dean thinks of something.

‘When we were teenagers, you two must have been about 15, you stuffed a snowball down the front of Sam’s shirt,’ he says casually, me and Sam laughing. Apparently, we had really bad snow in South Dakota that year, and John couldn’t get back to pick his sons up, so they stayed for a few weeks, and during one of our many snowball fights, I stuffed a snowball down Sam’s shirt. You know, when being the same age meant we were the same height. But Dean hasn’t told me that Sam and I used to be the same height.

‘Hold on, I think I remember that…’ I say, gently grabbing Sam’s shoulder.

‘You sure? It’s not just you imagining from what we told you?’ Sam looks around with a concerned face, holding my arm in the process. Electric sparks shoot up my arm, frying the nerves. But then we’re at Olivia’s and Sam gets out. Dean grabs me a spare gun out of the trunk and hands it to me.

‘Still got your shooting skills?’ he asks me. In answer, I turn towards the tree in the yard that has wind chimes hanging from it. In a split second, I shoot, and hit one of the thin metal cylinder. Dean nods in approval, and we head inside to a gruesome scene. I knew Olivia, so seeing her ripped apart on her living room floor really shakes me up. We check on the other hunters in the area, because Uncle Bobby says none of them are answering their phones, but they’re all dead.

There’s nothing we can do, so we drop in anonymous tips to the cops, and drive back to the house. It’s a fairly uneventful journey, you know, apart from the fact that we encounter the spirit of an FBI agent in the gas station bathroom, but we get him with a round of rock salt and carry on.

Back at the house, me and Uncle Bobby are hounded by the spirits of two little girls, whist Sam and Dean are dealing with a college girl, a fat guy with curly hair and the FBI agent. With a little bit of difficulty, we get to the panic room in the basement and Uncle Bobby starts his research.

‘Uncle Bobby, there was a mark on the spirits, like a brand or burn,’ I tell him, and he hands me a piece of notepaper and a biro. With my amazing drawing skills, I manage to get him a sketch of the mark.

Within a short while, Uncle Bobby identifies it as the Mark of the Witnesses. Which prophesises the coming of the Apocalypse. The freakin’ apocalypse. There’s a spell to banish them, but we need an open fire, and that means the living room.

‘Sam, you need to get a red box from the cupboard in the upstairs hall, it’s a hex box,’ Uncle Bobby tells him, and Sam disappears upstairs. We can hear a bit of a shuffle, and the sound of what I think is furniture hitting the wall before Sam gets back. We are, of course, armed with rifles full of rock salt. When I see the box, I can picture it in the upstairs cupboard under a pile of picnic blankets that Jo and I used to use for teddy bear picnics. As the memories return, Sam and Dean are there as well, but I can’t spend a lot of time thinking about everything right now.

Uncle Bobby is working on the spell, whilst me, Sam and Dean are shooting rock salt at whichever Witness tried to stop us. That is until Meg appears behind us, and lunges her hand into Uncle Bobby’s stomach.

‘No! Uncle Bobby!’ I scream, and turn to shoot Meg. She disappears and the wound in Uncle Bobby’s chest closes, but he’s still breathless, so I grab the bowl with the finished spell ingredients from him as he collapses in a chair. In the split second it takes me to throw the mixture into the fire, a spirit plunges their hand into my back, and white hot pain shoots up my spine, but dulls as the contents of the spell burns in the flames.

I know the witnesses are gone, because the pain doesn’t make me scream any more, only moan as I fall to the floor. Sam rushes over, kneels beside me and holds my head up.

‘Sammy, we need to get her to her bed,’ Dean tells him in a gruff quiet voice. Thank you, Dean, for being the protective, thoughtful You, and not the jackass You. Sam cradles my head in one of his big hands, and hooks his other arm under my knees. The events of the last few days, coupled with the last two or three hours have completely exhausted me, and I don’t even feel like I have the ability to speak. It even aches to breathe.

Sam lifts me up as if he’s picking up a pile of laundry. In other words, with great ease. I would protest, because I don’t like relying on anyone unless it’s absolutely necessary, but for once, I just want to be looked after and I don’t really feel like getting up right now. Sam’s really warm, and the only thing stopping me from snuggling into the soft plaid of his shirt is my throbbing muscles. Too soon, Sam places me on my bed, and covers me with the woolly comforter that Jo bought for me as a joke.

‘Night, Maya,’ Sam whispers as he kisses my forehead. Good friends, my ass, there was more to this relationship that he was letting on.

But, I could definitely get used to this alternate life.

Dean POV

It hasn’t been long since Sam took Maya upstairs and went to bed himself. I wonder when he’s going to tell her about the never ‘on’, but more than good friends relationship they had before she came back from the alternate future.

Good friends, my ass.

I love her, I do, like a little sister that I need to protect. From monsters, from boys, maybe one day herself.

But I trust Sammy with her, like I do my own life.

Tonight, I have a weird dream. But, knowing my life, it probably isn’t actually a dream. It’s Castiel, and he tells me that Lilith is the one who cast the spell to release the Witnesses and that it’s the first of 66 seals that need to be broken if Lucifer is to be freed from his cage, which is why the angels are now on earth. I ask him, forcefully, why they didn’t come and help us out with the Witnesses.

Cas tells me that ‘the armies of Heaven have bigger concerns’. I don’t really give a rat’s ass.

He also says that some of the angels died in battle and that I should show him some more respect if I don’t want him to throw me back into Hell.

A/N: okay, so i'm back on track, and i know exactly what i want to do with this book now :) there are going to be some chapters that are my own storyline or fluffy so it won't all be based on the show :D

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