2. The Winchesters and Castiel

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Maya POV

‘I’m, er, Morgan, Morgan Wood. I’m a friend of Bobby’s…’ I lied. I’m usually a pretty smooth liar – it’s gotten me out of a lot of trouble with Uncle Bobby – but these two were pretty attractive.

‘Really? Because it says ‘Bobby and Maya Singer Scrapyard and Mechanics’ on the sign out front. Mind telling us who you really are?’ the shorter one said.

‘What about you? Why don’t you tell me who you really are?’ I said suspiciously, still pointing the shotgun at him.

‘Well, sweetheart,’ he replied, turning his back, heading to the fridge. ‘I’m Dean and this is Sam,’ he pointed to the taller guy with the longer hair. That wasn’t going to cut it. Any demon, shifter or siren can look like, and say they’re a human. Not gonna fall for it.

In a split second, I rammed the butt of the gun into Sam’s chest and then the back of Dean’s head as he had his back turned. Sam was still groaning, so I grabbed a dishcloth and some chloroform out of the cupboard and held it over his mouth, hoping it would work.

It did.

So, currently, I had two huge guys in my kitchen, and I had to tie them up before they woke up and fought back. I pulled up the rug from the living room floor, to check the Devil’s Trap was still complete. There was also one on the ceiling, just to be safe. I pulled two chairs into the middle and got to work trying to drag Sam and Dean into the next room and then onto the chairs.

It took about twenty minutes, and I even started to sweat, but I still went to the cupboard into the hall to get rope and tied them to their seats with every knot I knew, before grabbing the small chest under the desk.

Inside, it contained salt, iron, silver and brass knives, holy water, machetes, a pistol, silver bullets, dead man’s blood, stakes, gasoline and matches. Everything we knew that could kill anything we knew about.

I went through everything one by one, and they began to wake up around the holy water. Salt didn’t do anything, iron didn’t do anything, when I cut them slightly with the brass and silver blades, nothing happened. I think I needed to call Uncle Bobby.

‘Hey, where are you going?’ Dean called out sleepily, and then began to struggle against his bonds.

‘It’s no use,’ I told him, walking back in with the phone. ‘Those ropes are made with fibres of silver in them, you’re not getting out.’

‘But we’re human! You don’t need to do this!’ Sam said.

‘You know, that’s exactly what a demon, or a shifter, a vamp or a siren would say,’ I told him, dialling Uncle Bobby’s number. He picked up after a few rings.

‘Maya? That you?’

‘Yeah, it’s me. I got home sooner than expected, and there’s two guys I knocked out and tied up in the living room saying they know you. You been expecting anyone to drop by recently?’

He sighed.

‘Describe them to me?’ he sounded exasperated.

‘Uh, one gigantor who needs a haircut, and a player who thinks he looks all badass with his blonde hair and leather jacket.’

‘Sam and Dean Winchester?’ he asked.

‘What the hell, Uncle Bobby?! Who are they?!’ I whisper shouted.

‘Hey! Calm down, kid! They’re old friends, practically raised them whilst their daddy hunted,’ he replied.

‘Can you come home please?’ I asked. I wanted to be sure before I let these two go.

‘Okay. I guess Frank can call in someone else. I’ll be an hour and half at most,’ and he hung up.

In the time it took Uncle Bobby to get home, I just paced across the floor, twirling my knife between my fingers. In my other hand, I kept my shotgun handy and my pistol was still in my belt.

Even if Uncle Bobby knew them, I still didn’t trust them, not until he was here. The minute I heard the front door open and close, I walked out of the room whilst giving Sam and Dean my death glare. Even Uncle Bobby and Rufus were scared of the death glare. It usually either involved food or sleep.

‘Uncle Bobby! What the hell is going on? I’m upstairs, enjoying my dinner, when I hear someone just walk in downstairs! I locked the door! Who else has a key to this house?!’ I exclaimed.

‘Calm it, Maya! You remember John, the hunter I talk about sometimes, the one who died?’ I nodded, I remembered.

‘His name was John Winchester, Maya,’ he waited as all the pieces in my head clicked together.

‘They’re hunters?! Why didn’t you tell me they were coming?!’

‘I didn’t know! I haven’t seen those boys in years!’ Uncle Bobby exclaimed.

‘How long?’ I asked, but he didn’t answer. ‘How long, Uncle Bobby!?’

‘Ten years, okay! I haven’t seen them in ten years.’

‘So that was why you stopped going on so many hunts? Because you were hunting with John, Dean and Sam, and then John died?!’ I asked.

‘Well, there was another guy. If you could call him a guy…’ Uncle Bobby trailed off. ‘Hey, Cas? Could you get your ass down here?’

‘Who’s Cas?’ I asked, but spun around when I heard a noise behind me.

‘You called, Bobby?’ a man was standing behind me. He was short, with brown hair, and wore a two piece suit and tan trench coat. On instinct, I shot him.

‘Who the hell is that?!’ this was too much to handle in one day. First, Uncle Bobby basically helped raise two boys that are around my age, and after he tells me all this, a guy appears behind me who, after I’ve shot him, isn’t bleeding and is still just standing there?!

‘It’s good to finally meet you, Maya Singer,’ he said in a low gruff voice.

I gave Uncle Bobby a look that basically said ‘what-the-f**k?!?!’ He just sighed.

‘Castiel here, is an angel,’ he told me.

‘An angel?! A freakin’ angel?! I swear to God, Uncle Bobby, if there’s anything else you haven’t told me, I will get it out of you one way or another!’

‘Fine, come on,’ and he beckoned me into the other room.

A/N: basically, i am just using the characters and not the events in chronological order of the show, but if you want to see anything happen or any feedback on this, comment please! :)

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