Chapter 5

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"Oh, not in that clothes, Sana. Dress in some simple clothes. They are in the countryside," Momo said as she saw Sana's dress like she is going to a party. "Nayeon though they are both in the middle class,"

"What the hell? Mina? living in the countryside? She must be serious to go this far" Sana said "I feel bad for the high and mighty Nayeon, is this her punishment for being arrogant?" she added before changing her clothes. "I feel sorry for lying to my girlfriend,"

"You don't feel bad, Sana. You don't also feel sorry for your girlfriend," Momo rolled her eyes. "As long as it's for Mina, we don't feel bad or sorry to anyone,"

"Of course, it's Mina," Sana smirked. "And I would love to see Nayeon being at the bottom,"


Momo expected this to happen, she expected to be stressed about how Sana kept telling her how irritating Nayeon is when she met her, while In the countryside, all you can hear is laughter and running inside the home. 

It's like, Kids are living there and not adults.

"You did not just slap my butt!" Nayeon groans while she is chasing the laughing Mina.

"Stop chasing me, grandma!" Mina chuckled which made more smoke coming out from the brunette's nose, Nayeon is surely mad now that she charged her body to the elegant woman until they both fell on the floor. 

The laughter suddenly stopped as the moment is heating up. Nayeon stared at Mina's soft and wet lips and slowly closed the gap between her and Mina. 

It feels right, for months they are together, Mina didn't take advantage of her, she respected Nayeon in many ways. Mina also feels it and responded to the brunette's kiss.

"Oh my god, I am so ready to watch a live porn," Sana smirked and covered Momo's eyes. Nayeon subconciously pushed Mina but immediately apologized.

"what are you doing here?" Mina coldly asked that made them chills. Nayeon thought that Mina doesn't like the two woman who suddenly showed up in their house.

"Hi, I'm Nayeon, Are you Mina's friends?" Nayeon nicely asked even thought she is doubtful and it shocked Sana, because they already met before and she doesn't like Nayeon's attitude back then. "Come inside, we'll prepare something,"

Sana chuckled remembering that the Nayeon in front of her lost her memory. "This nayeon is better than the arrogant one I met before," she whispered to Momo, "I hope her memory doesn't come back,"

"What did high and mighty Nayeon ever do to you to be this bitter," Momo whispered back but Sana ignored her.

"We heard what happened to you, we are Mina's bestfriends, I'm Sana and that woman with bangs is Momo," Sana smiled.

"Sana? hmm, I think I've already heard your name before," Nayeon said. "Have we met before?"

"Of course, are you seriously asking that? you're my bestfriend's girlfriend for a year, we bonded a lot before," Sana evilly chuckled while Mina rolled her eyes and Momo is trying to stop herself from laughing.

"I feel so stupid asking that," Nayeon facepalmed, "I'll prepare some food," 

"I'm loving this so much," Sana evilly giggled and suddenly stopped when we saw Mina.

"Who told you to come here?" Mina seriously said and gave Momo a deadly look.

"I.. Mina, I.." Sana felt her face sweating, "Nayeon, yes. Nayeon needs to see other hmm too, you know?" 

"She sees enough animals already, she doesn't need to see more animals here," Mina smirked which made Sana choke, while Momo burst out laughing.

"Yah! minaya!" Sana pouted.

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