Chapter 8 - Distance Is Crazy

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Chapter 8 - Distance Is Crazy


Ace pulled me on his lap, deepening the kiss as much as it was possible.

As our lips worked in unison, the sparks in my stomach got more intense. I wanted him closer until there was not even an inch gap between us. I slipped my hands around his neck, tangling them into his hair. Meanwhile, his hands roamed the territory of my waist and lower back.

I swiped my tongue over his bottom lip and he parted his mouth, letting me gain the entrance. The two of us swirled and explored each other's mouths, tasting the bittersweet taste of the champagne left.

The longer the kiss extended, the hotter I was feeling. I almost felt like I would burst if I didn't take something off. I couldn't make sense of anything that was happening, only the fact that I wanted Ace.

We both parted because of the lack of oxygen. But before I had a chance to gasp some air, Ace's mouth trailed down from my jawline, down my neck, the wetness from his tongue lighting fire in my belly. When he found my sweet spot and sucked on it mercilessly, a moan escaped my lips, gripping his hair tighter.

My hands found their way to his collar, going down as they worked sloppily on unbuttoning his shirt. Suddenly, a hand grabbed my wrist. I looked at the owner, arching an eyebrow in confusion.

"What's wrong, Ace?"

"We can't do this, Ava." As soon as he said that, my confusion grew bigger.

"Why not?" I inquired him.

"Because we are not in our right minds," he responded. I tried to understand what he meant, but nothing made sense at this point. He cupped my face and said, "If we ever make love to each other, I want us to be in our right minds, which we definitely are not right now."

"So you are saying we may regret this later," I murmured whatever I could understand from his words.

He hummed in response and added, "I don't want to regret any moment with you, Ava. So it's wiser if we stop ourselves now."

I nodded my head and stood up from the couch, to avoid the closeness between us. Now, what was I supposed to do?

Not knowing what to do, I lay on the bed and let myself fall asleep.


Someone, please tell me last night, what I thought had happened, didn't actually happen.

My head was feeling so heavy it could burst almost anytime. If I didn't drink something to reduce this headache soon, my head was going to split into two parts.

No sooner had I woken up than I started thinking of what happened last night. The only thing I remembered was the intense, heated kiss between Ace and me. I also remembered that I was the one who kissed him at first and I wanted to kill myself at this point. Why did I have to do that?

The kiss was really good, but how would I face Ace now? Why did I kiss him in the first place? Why did we even drink when we had to drive home—wait, what's the time?

I took my phone from the nightstand and saw the time. It was eleven in the morning. I slept at three in the morning so I got the perfect eight hours' sleep. But why didn't Ace wake me up? I thought we were supposed to leave by four in the morning?

I scanned around the room, but I couldn't find Ace yet. My eyes fell on the tray kept on the coffee table. I walked up to it and uncovered the lid. It had strawberry pancakes, an omelet, and sausages. There was a glass of lemon juice too.

As I unlocked my phone to text Ace, I found that he had already texted me.

Ace: I booked us the next flight to Utah. So be ready by 1 PM. Also, drink lemon juice to reduce your headache.

Before going to freshen up, I texted him back.

Ava: Okay, but where are you?

Ace: I had to meet someone. I'll be back soon.

After seeing his instant reply, I decided to freshen up and then eat breakfast.

All this time, I still couldn't get last night's incident off my mind. I made such a big mistake. It sure wasn't a big deal for people that I kissed Ace, my husband. But it was a big deal for me.

During our wedding, even the peck on the lips from Ace gave me goosebumps. But the drunken Ava had the audacity to French kiss him!

I shouldn't have drunk much when I knew I wouldn't be able to control myself. But one drink led to another, and then, it led to a kiss!

I choked on the juice I was drinking as soon as I remembered that we were almost about to have sex. If Ace didn't stop at the right moment, things would've been more messed up.

Oh, my God.

It was only one day after we got married and things changed up to this extent. How would I live with Ace after this?

My chain of thoughts broke when the door of the room opened.

I continued eating my breakfast as I watched Ace walking inside in awkward silence.

"Hey, Ava," Ace spoke up to get rid of the painful silence.

"Hey, Ace," I replied awkwardly. I didn't even want to look him in the eye; it would remind me of the heat in them and what had transpired from that once again.

"So did you get your exact eight hours of beauty sleep?" he asked and sat in front of me.

I avoided his gaze. "Yes." When silence filled the room once again, I decided to ask, "Why did you buy flight tickets? I thought we were supposed to go there in your car?"

This time, I mustered enough courage to look at him. As soon as our eyes met, I regretted looking at that instant. However, I had to remove this awkwardness between us.

"I couldn't drive after consuming that much liquor last night. It would take time for the jet to arrive, so a flight seemed perfect." He further added, "Besides, I chose a nice schedule while booking the tickets so that you can get proper sleep."

"Yeah, I am glad you considered my sleep. I couldn't go and meet my in-laws with a large annoying pimple on my face," I mumbled and instantly regretted saying that. Now Ace might think that I was trying to impress his family. But they already loved me. Why was I acting so weird?

"Are you okay?" Ace asked, and I could sense concern in his voice.

"Yes, and what about you?" I asked back.

"Yeah, I am good too."

Ace was acting as if nothing happened last night. Did he forget everything? He didn't get drunk easily unlike me, so he definitely remembered everything. He must be trying to act normal to refrain from embarrassing me.

He really should stop being such a sweetheart. Otherwise, I would really stop regretting my actions from last night. I might even want more— God, what was I thinking now? I was going crazy. There must have been something in the alcohol.

I glanced at Ace, who was looking at something on his phone now.

Damn, he should also stop being so handsome. I hated the perfect sharp jawline that made him look so hot.

Oh, my God, why was I admiring him? Was I still drunk?

I have to keep a safe distance from Ace before I go fully crazy. 

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