Chapter 40 - I Love You

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Chapter 40 - I Love You


I was feeling like someone was ripping my heart out of the chest. It was weird because I had just finished talking to Ava and started feeling like this after that.

I was getting a really ominous feeling. Did Ava rub off her gut feelings on me?

"Sir, your file," Veron said, getting into my office cabin after knocking on the door. "Sir?"

I snapped out of my thoughts and said, "Yes, what?"

"Your file," Veron repeated and handed it to me.

I nodded and was about to check it, but I had to quench this awful feeling first. I tried calling Ava again, but this time, she didn't pick up. I called a few more times, and yet, the same result.

"Veron, can you check Ava's location?" I asked.

"Yes, of course. I'll check it right away," Veron said and pulled out his phone to check. After a moment, he said, "Ma'am is at the Valentino Mansion right now."

"I see." If Ava was home, then why was I getting such a bad feeling? No, I needed to check it by myself. "Veron, I'm going home. I'll check the file later."

"Okay, Sir. No problem."

I headed down to my car and drove back home. When I got home, I saw the maids surrounding Vayden who was playing on the carpet. They were watching him like a hawk as if he would disappear if they looked away.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked sternly.

The maids jumped in surprise, and one of them replied, "Good afternoon, Sir. We are looking after him like Ma'am Ava ordered. She said not to look away from him for a second."

I raised an eyebrow. "And where is Ava?"

"She went upstairs about an hour ago," another of them replied.

My worry increased as I nodded and ran upstairs. I went straight to our bedroom to find Ava packing her bags.

"Ava, where are you going?"

At my voice, Ava turned around. My heart clenched as I observed her. Her eyes were bloodshot red, and her cheeks were stained with tears.

I immediately ran to her and put my hands on her shoulder. "What's wrong, baby? Why are you crying?"

Ava moved back, pushing away my hands. "I'm leaving you forever, Ace."

My heart almost stopped beating. I just stared blankly at her beautiful tear-stricken face. I couldn't process her words. "Sorry, what?" I let out dumbly. I couldn't possibly be hearing those words right.

Ava took a deep breath and looked me in the eye. "I'm leaving you forever, Ace."

I pursed my lips, trying to let those words sink. When they did sink, panic shot through every fiber of my being.

"Why... Why are you saying that? Did I do something wrong, Ava? You can tell me, and I'll fix it. I swear—" she cut me off coldly.

"No, you did nothing wrong."

"Then? Why are you leaving me?" I asked desperately.

"Because you were cheated."


She wiped her tears and steeled herself to say, "I went for a checkup with another doctor two days ago."

Shit, I knew she was hiding something from me for the past couple of days. But oh, no... now she knows the truth.

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