Chapter 20 - Hurtful Taunting

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Chapter 20 - Hurtful Taunting


"And this is the latest update, Grandma," I said to Grandma. Currently, I was face-timing with her.

Despite being on a vacation with Grandpa, she stayed in touch with me almost every day. It was a sweet thing, and I liked it. I never got this much attention from my family because Dad was my only family and he was always busy.

"Is our Lily okay now? Has she been eating properly in between her work?" she asked.

While Luna and Aunt Chloe had initially decided to explain everything to Grandpa and Grandma when they returned, it was hard to exclude them from the good news, so the situation had been explained to them over call. They had been thrilled, even Grandpa. Despite his stern demeanor, he loved his grandchildren. That's why he supported Liliana, just like he did with Aunt Chloe when she got pregnant at sixteen.

I gave a nod to Grandma and told her, "Aunt Chloe is making sure that Lily is in stable health and not taking too much load. Besides, we all are here for her. Don't worry and just enjoy yourself. Don't let Paris sightseeing wait for our sake. Send me pictures, okay?"

She smiled at me. "Thank you, dear. I will do so. It should be time for supper there, so you should get going now. Bye. Take care."

"Bye. You too, Grandma." I finished the call.

"Was that my grandma again?" Ace spoke up when he got into the room. He hadn't returned from the office like he usually would at this time, instead, he had stayed home the entire day. As Emma had her part-time job today and wouldn't be back until everyone else did, he decided to stay home all day.

"Yes," I replied politely. "She was checking up on us. It's really sweet of her, you know."

"Yeah," was all he said and went to the bathroom.

I posted a recent blog on my social media. I had Ace take some shots of me in a light blue jumpsuit on the terrace today. I had initially planned to talk to him about Emma but thought nighttime might be a better time to talk.

I waited for Ace to get out of the bathroom, and when he did, he started fixing his hair in front of the mirror. I had learned he often liked to set his hair, even if it looked perfect.

"Hey, Ace?"


"I needed to talk to you about something."

This time, he stopped running his hands through his hair and shifted his gaze at me, arching an eyebrow. "About what?"

"About Emma."

"What's wrong?" He made his way to me and sat on the bed.

"Ace, have you noticed the way Emma is? Have you ever wondered why she is the way she is? While she is open to our family, doesn't it feel like she isn't exploring the outside life like she should be? As if she's been holding back from everything."

"Wait, where is this coming from? What do you mean? I don't get it " Ace was genuinely confused.

I had to organize my words and say them properly. Ace was really protective of his family and has a tendency to fly off the handle, so I had to explain it to him from Emma's point of view.

I sucked in a deep breath and explained, "Look, the private school Emma is in, don't you think she doesn't have as much freedom as one has in the public high schools? We were in our respective public high schools, and we enjoyed it a lot."

"That is exactly why I put her in the private one. I don't know about you, Ava, I wasn't a big fan of my experience in a public high school. There were too many unnecessary, uncalled dramas in it. I didn't want her to have an environment like that, and I still don't," he responded strictly.

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