Chapter 13 - Avace

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Chapter 13 - Avace


I always took pride in the fact that I was usually a morning person. But even I didn't have this much energy like Luna and Aunt Chloe. They were so lively and full of fun things to talk about. If Liliana was here, the dinner table would have gotten even more bustling.

Even Emma joined in the conversation often. Despite being an introvert, she was open to her family.

However, I had a little difficulty joining in. I was quietly sitting next to Ace, who ate the pancakes and replied whenever needed. Even though I had had dinner with them before whenever I visited here, it was different now. I was a family member now.

Dad and I usually would only have breakfast together on weekends. That too, we would eat slowly while talking about various things.

As I was overthinking too much about how to join in, Grandma seemed to have noticed as she said, "How are you feeling about everything, Ava?"

"Uh, great so far," I responded with a genuine smile. I was happy that she at least directed a conversation toward me. This was the perfect chance I needed to jump in. "By the way, Ace told me about this vacation you were taking with Grandpa."

"That's right. We will be gone for a month. I'm so sorry, honey. If we had known earlier, we would have postponed our trip and stayed back to help you adjust here," Grandma said.

"That's completely alright, Grandma. Please don't feel bad on my account. Sure, I will miss you guys, but I will be sure to catch up more with you guys when you get back," I told her, and she gave me a warm smile.

To be honest, I was really thankful to God that Grandma and Grandpa were going on a vacation to Italy. At least that would keep Grandpa busy. Out of sight, out of mind. We would be free of stress regarding that matter at least.

"Speaking of tours, I want one so bad. But work's been so crazy," Luna mumbled, stabbing her food like a child.

"Same. I love traveling like you," I added, sympathizing with her.

"Sweetheart, you have no idea how much your travel blogs soothe my soul. It feels like I'm on a tour as well whenever I see yours," Luna said.

"Aww, I'm glad," I replied genuinely. I had always loved chatting with Luna; it was like chatting with your best friend. She was open, kind, and cool.

"I think we should send Ace and Ava somewhere too," Aunt Chloe spoke up suddenly.

"Why?" I couldn't help but question her.

"Oh, I get it." Luna chimed in excitedly, "Chloe means that the two of you didn't get to go on a honeym–"

Ace choked on the water all of a sudden. As I was next to him, I rubbed his back to help him stop the coughing. I was grateful to him for creating a distraction, even though he didn't mean to.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

He gave me a curt nod.

"I think Ace is shy at the mention of honeymoon," teased Aunt Chloe.

I tried to suppress my laughter. Ace being shy, that too over the thought of going on a honeymoon with me? Seriously, going on a honeymoon with Ace would be a friendly tour for us—nothing else.

Ace rolled his eyes and continued eating breakfast.

"Okay, so as Chloe was suggesting," Luna continued speaking. "The two of you should go somewhere for your honeymoon."

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