Chapter 15 - Black Cat

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Chapter 15 - Black Cat


"Ava, you forgot to take your phone."

I heard Ace's voice coming from behind me. He was halfway down the stairs, about to hand the phone to me, until his eyes followed my gaze. Instantly, a displeased look took over his face.

"Is that Simon? Just what the fuck is he doing here?" he growled lowly at me.

"I have absolutely no idea," I responded with a shrug, trying to seem calm and unbothered by Liliana. "Simon came here with Lily." I tried to put on an excited smile when they were looking at me.

"I knew I shouldn't have set him free from my captive. He deserved to stay away from sunlight for much longer," he grumbled. "Maybe breaking a limb or two would have kept him away from us, at least."

"He might have still come here in wheelchairs." I wanted to roll my eyes as I retorted to Ace, but I couldn't forget that we had an audience. "Put on a smile, Ace. We have to go downstairs to greet them. Look, Lily is looking at us with a hopeful smile," I explained to him.

"If he's here to say anything mean to you, I swear I won't even listen to you and make sure he doesn't go back home with any dignity left," he muttered.

I sighed and looked at him. "Keep the threats at bay for now, and just smile for Lily."

"But—" before he could say anything else, I entwined my hand with his and brought him downstairs.

"Hey, Lily," I greeted her with a wide smile, which she gladly returned.

"Ava! It's so nice to see you as a Valentino now. It's like a wild dream come true! How have you been?" Lily pulled me into an excited hug.

"I have been great. What about you?" I asked her after pulling her apart from the hug.

"Never been better," she chirped and looked at her cousin. "Hey, brother. What's up with the frown? Are you not happy to see me?"

"I was happy until I came across a black cat," he replied to her, eyeing Simon.

Liliana gave a tight-lipped smile, trying her best to stay jovial. "I know you guys have already met him. Still, let me introduce you to him officially." She looped her arm with Simon's and said, "Meet Simon Rainstorm, my boyfriend."

Ace and I both stared in disbelief.

What the hell? How could he be her boyfriend in just a few days? He had another girl whom he got pregnant, and right after being released from Ace's captive, he became Liliana's boyfriend? Liliana wasn't even that easy to woo. What were we missing here?

"He—" Ace was interrupted by me.

"We will talk about everything later. I'm sure you guys must be tired. Why don't you freshen up at first?" I gave a light squeeze to Ace's hand.

"Sure, I will go to my room after showing Simon the guest room," said Liliana.

"No worries," this was the first time Simon spoke up. "Babe, you need to rest. Ava can show it to me."

Liliana turned to look at me. "Will you do that, Ava? I promise, we will answer all of your questions in the evening," she spoke with an almost pleading tone.

"Sure." As soon as I said that, I could feel Ace's glare at me. I didn't dare to look back at him, so I watched Liliana walk to her room.

"So Av—" Simon was rudely interrupted by Ace.

"Ava is not showing you the room." Ace called out for a servant and said, "Show him the guest room that is farthest from away from our room and Lily's room."

Simon smirked. "I am too tired to say anything right now. I will see you later, Ava. It's been nice seeing you again." He winked at me, and I swear if I wasn't holding Ace back, he might have gone ahead and strangled Simon right then.

I finally looked at Ace. Sucking in a deep breath, I said, "Ace, look, I know it's hard to even face him, but we have to wait till Lily explains it all to us."

"Ava, I cannot accept any of this. He was a cheater, which was the first reason you dumped him and married me. Now, he comes here as Lily's boyfriend and then winks at you—someone else's wife. He obviously came here to take revenge on you, and he's using Lily for that. I won't let him use my sister to harm my wife."

I avoided the fact that he simply used the word 'wife' twice. I wanted to tease him about it, but I also knew now was not the time, so I placed a hand over his shoulder. "Calm down. We have to think with a clear mind. Besides, he can't do anything to me. I am already married now, and I have you with me. We have to worry about Lily."

Ace let out a frustrated growl. "Did you not see him just wink at you, Ava? How can you be sure he won't do anything else? Of course, it goes without saying, I need to talk to Lily about this. I need to make her understand that Simon Rainstorm is bad news," he spat out.

"Don't tell Lily anything now. She said she will explain everything in the evening, so let's be patient till then," I reasoned. When I saw he was still worried about the matter, I said, "Hey, take a deep breath. You are stressing yourself out." Though I was also hating Simon for appearing in our life again and making everything more complicated than it already was, Ace was my priority at the moment.

He took deep breaths as I instructed. "I think the thought that the two of the most important women in my life might get hurt is scary. I think, no, I'm sure, he is back for revenge. His family suffered a huge loss after the wedding was called off, and Simon was kidnapped by me."

Two of the most important women in his life? I didn't know why, but I felt happy hearing this. But why was I happy? It should be obvious that I was important to him too, considering we were best friends. I should really stop reading too much into the lines.

"But you have to stay careful, Ava," he warned me.

"Don't worry about me. I'm strong. I'll kick his ass if he wants to do anything to me," I boasted proudly, raising my bicep to flex.

"Oh, please, you trip over a small staircase every time," he taunted.

"That's the problem of your room's design, not mine. You made that on purpose because you probably knew from before that Ava will come here someday in the future and I need to trip her, no matter what," I pointed out with a pout. But when I realized that he was still mulling over Simon, I sighed and added, "Seriously, you have to stop worrying. You know, you will get wrinkles at the age of twenty-seven. Then, you will have to use my beauty products to look young again."

He finally loosened up and chuckled lightly.

"But on a serious note, like I said earlier, I have you, so nothing bad will happen to me. I know you will always protect me, come what may." When I realized what I just uttered might result in awkwardness, I added, "And Lily."

"You're right about that. I'll always protect you, even if it requires killing someone."

I raised my eyebrows and asked, "You are joking, right?" Ace could kidnap someone, but he couldn't kill anyone, could he?

"However you want to take it." With that, he walked away, leaving me in confusion. 

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