Chapter 14 - Exclusive

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Chapter 14 - Exclusive


Today was Sunday, so Ace was at home—technically, he was working from home.

Breakfasts on Sundays were a little late due to being on the weekend. This morning, everyone looked even fresher than usual, thanks to the extra couple of hours of sleep. Also, Grandpa and Grandma had already left for their trip.

After breakfast, I chatted with Emma while she worked on a school project. When I felt like she might need some time to concentrate to figure out the next part, I decided to excuse myself and go bother Ace for a while. That guy seriously needed a big break from work today. God, I even felt tired of watching him work. How could he love working so much? My dad also spared himself more breaks than Ace did.

I knocked on the door of Ace's study and opened the door slightly when he didn't respond. I peeked at Ace, who was sitting on the chair, his laptop on the table. His study was filled with thick books, which were all non-fiction books. It was about business and whatnot. There was a shelf filled with files. Everything was so organized.

"Are you here to steal something?" Ace asked all of a sudden, without even sparing me a single glance.

I was still peeking from the door. How did he understand it was me when he didn't even turn this way or ask who it was?

"Yes," I replied sheepishly and got inside the study.

He shook his head with a sigh. "No wonder why you were peeping like a thief."

I sat on the couch in the corner behind the coffee table. I took a magazine from the table and started going through them. It was filled with the new clothes collection by the Valentino Fashion.

"What did you want to steal, anyway?" he questioned out of curiosity. This time, he looked at me, awaiting my response.

"I am here to steal your time. Are you busy?" If he was busy, then I wouldn't bother him much. But if he wasn't busy, I would give him company.

A genuine smile evolved on his lips as he said, "Did I ever tell you I was busy anytime you called or texted me?"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "No?"

"I have always seen your texts on time and received your calls, even if I was in a meeting. What does that mean?"

"That you pretend to be busy, but in reality, you have plenty of free time?" I deadpanned.

I knew what he was trying to imply, but if I said what he wanted to hear, there would have been an awkward tension between us once again. So it was better to not exactly say what he wanted to hear. I knew he meant that he was never busy for me. Sometimes it was better to play dumb.

"Sometimes I wonder how you did well in Yale. How did they take you if you were this dumb?" Ace's annoyed voice brought me out of my trance.

I narrowed my eyes in his direction. "I think you exactly remember how hard I studied during that time, so I don't have to reply to your question."

He chuckled and got up from his seat. I saw him making his way toward the shelf to pull out a file.

I flipped through the magazine and saw the new collection. I remember one section of my closet, which was next to our bedroom, being filled with these dresses of almost all colors. I was surprised to find any clothes at all in that closet.

"Hey, aren't these clothes the same ones as in my closet?" I asked when I found the outfit I wore after showering the first day on one of the pages.

"Uh-huh," Ace replied casually.

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