Chapter 19 - Friends Or Not?

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Chapter 19 - Friends Or Not?


When I stepped into our bedroom the next morning, Ace wasn't there. He must have left for work early, like yesterday.

I sighed.

I wanted to sleep for a longer time. Liliana and Emma were going to let me skip breakfast with family today because of my period, but my sleep was disturbed when the two of them woke up for their respective reasons. Since I was already up, why bother missing the breakfast? I should probably try to sleep some more after breakfast.

While last night was really fun with the girls, I couldn't quite concentrate fully. My fight with Ace was always in the back of my head.

I stormed off for no reason last night. I should have handled that like an actual adult, not a rebellious teenager. However, I was glad Ace gave me some space to think calmly and didn't bother me. I really appreciated that about him.

I decided to take a bath since I hadn't yesterday, so I went to my closet room. Being in a mood of yellow, I pulled out a lemon color skirt that reached up to my heel and a white top. I went back to our bedroom and put the clothes on the bed. It was such a trouble to go back and forth between the two rooms. I wonder if Ace will ever make space for my things in his closet room.

After a somewhat long bath, I wore my bathrobe and got out.

I started to take my bathrobe off until I heard the bedroom door open, accompanied by a scream, "Fucking hell!"

Instantly, I wore my bathrobe back, my eyes widening in shock as I turned back to the door of our bedroom only to find Ace.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" both of us asked at the same time.

"I thought you were still sleeping in Emma's room," he replied.

"Well, I thought you went to your office already."

"You should've locked the damn door. Oh, dear God," he mumbled.

I rolled my eyes. "How could I have known you were still at home when the room had no sign of you?" He was the only person who could come into the room without knocking, after all.

"I was working in my study until now. Plus, I'm leaving for work a little later today."

"How could I have known that?"

"Well, now you do," he retorted.

"A text would've been fine then," I pointed out.

"So I'm supposed to update you about every little thing through the text like when I'm going in and out of the room?" he asked sarcastically.

"No, but marriage is all about sharing, isn't it?"

"Can you really say that after you walked out of our conversation last night?"

I let out a sigh, my head starting to fume again. "Can you just get out now and let me get ready?"

He opened his mouth like he had something to say but closed it again and said, "Okay."

He was about to leave, but I asked, "Wait. What did you exactly mean by you were leaving for work a little later? How late is a 'little later'?"

"Until 4 pm," he answered curtly and didn't wait for me to ask more as he just left.

A knowing smile formed on my lips. Emma didn't have part-time today, so she would be coming home straight from school, just around that time.

Ace was definitely here so that I wasn't left alone with Simon again in the house. He always tried to be so subtle, but really, he wasn't. My anger melted away at the thought of how much he cared about me.

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