That guy!

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"Master! Who is that guy?" Lee Jihye asked

"What're you talking about?" Yoo Joonghyuk asked

"That guy! On your phone."

"Since when were you looking at my phone?" Yoo Joonghyuk asked raising an eyebrow

Oh- uh-uhh Namwoon did too!

"Hey! Since when did I do that? You were the one who asked me to do so anyway. Oh and btw who is that guy?" Namwoon said adding to Jihye's mental suffering

"I can't believe you two..." Uriel sighed

"Uriel you were there too!" Namwoon exclaimed pointing at Uriel

"You traitor! You weren't supposed to say that." Uriel whisper shouted

"Why were you ALL on my phone?" Yoo Joonghyuk asked

"I should've never trusted you." Uriel cursed under her breath.

"Oh pls. This is all Jihye's fault." Namwoon said back

"My fault?? You guys were in it too!" Jihye replied in an offended tone.

*sigh* "Let's not say who's fault it was and talk about why you did it?" Lee Hyungsung asked breaking the almost gonna turn to chaos atmosphere.

Which ofc Yoo Joonghyuk was grateful for because he DID NOT want another table broken (???)

Now seeing this most people would think Yoo Joonghyuk and Lee Hyungsung were the responsible ones of the group and Namwoon and Jihye brought chaos and Uriel was both.

Well that's where you're wrong since the only responsible one here is Lee Hyungsung since Yoo Joonghyuk is not any better. Tho that only his companions know.

"We were doing umm uhhh shxt Namwoon hel-nvm I shouldn't expect anything Uriel help me." Jihye whispered

"Just say you were gonna text Mia." Namwoon whispered ignoring what Jihye said before.

"I was gonna text Mia!" Lee Jihye said profusely

"Why? Don't you have your phone?"

"Well my phone had died. Tragedy really. Anyways and I had to tell Mia something." Lee Jihye said adding even more to her lies.

"Everything in this household is a LIE." Namwoon whispered to Uriel

"You're realising that now?" Uriel asked looking at Namwoon.

"Hmm I see."

"No you don't-"

"Shh Namwoon nows NOT the time to make a joke about his eyes-" Lee Jihye said widening her eyes.

Uriel who was trynna hold back the urge to laugh.

Lee Hyungsung concerned about Namwoon's dark humour.

Yoo Joonghyuk mentally exhausted with his companions but still they were his companions anyways weren't they?

"Master you still haven't told us who that guy is!" Lee Jihye said expertly changing the topic

"I told you to stop calling me that." Yoo Joonghyuk sighed

"But captain it's not THAT bad." Kim Namwoon replied

"Right so who exactly are you talking about?" Lee Hyungsung asked

"Oh that new number on captain's phone."

"What was it again?"

"kim dokeja? kim dojega? Right that's it!"

"It's Kim Dokja."

"Right then who is this dojega guy?" Namwoon asked deliberately getting his name wrong despite Yoo Joonghyuk telling him it's not.

"He's Yoo Mia's friends' father."

"Damn Yoo Mia's already making friends. Unlike Jihye who only has one friend other than me-"

"You're not even my friend."

"Ouch. That means you only have one friend. Kekeke"

"Atleast it's better than having none.&

"I- I don't know what to say to that." Namwoon said laughing and probably on the verge of crying since Jihye doesn't even consider him a friend. Tho he knows she's just joking. (Half joking)

"Right so he's your boyfriend-"

Uriel perks up at the word boyfriend and her thoughts start spiralling and doing flips. She was a fanfic writer and material was always welcome. (Maybe it's just me but in modern aus I can just SEE uriel infront of a computer, light dimmed as much as possible, at midnight writing an idea she got all of a sudden.)

"He's not my boyfriend."

"Yet?" Jihye adds

"No he's not my boyfriend at all. Didn't I just tell you I just met him."

"No wonder his number is new. It wasn't there before." Namwoon mumbles nodding to himself accidentally slipping out the last part.

"What was that?"

"Nothing at all." Namwoon answered in sync with Jihye.

"Well obviously we're gonna see mia-ah's friends' right? And also that ahjussi." Lee Jihye added

"If you wish so go ahead." Yoo Joonghyuk hummed.


"Not yet. We'll do that tomorrow." Lee Hyungsung said to Jihye's disappointment. This day was sure gonna be long.

(Next ep: the 999th companions meeting kdj. I'm going slow af with the plot but like- ehh these parts are pretty fun to write too. Y'all gotta wait a bit for the ✨romance✨)

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