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Chapter six.
Training with Maki.

Saturday, 10:27 am

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Saturday, 10:27 am.

Y/n was in bed, scrolling through her phone since she had no plans for the day when there was a sudden knock on her room door.

Now who the hell could be knocking at 7 in the damn morning. she thought, she was tired as hell—she doesn't even know why she's up so early especially since the party ended so late lastnight, homegirl barely got any sleep.

Groaning she got up and approached the door opening it only to be met with maki in full uniform and her sword In hand.

"Maki—it's 7 in the god damn morning what the hell are you doing here?".

"Y/n—it's 10:30 in the morning did you hit ur head or smth?"

"10 what—?" She said looking at her phone which read '7' but then she glanced at her clock and saw that it was telling the exact time.

"Anyways" Maki said snapping the girl out of her thoughts. "we're gonna get some training done today"

The dark skinned girl groaned shaking her head in the process, too tired to even think about training.

"Maki as much as I love you—no" and with that y/n turned on her heel ready to go back into her bed where she could sleep peacefully.

She didn't even get a chance to walk away properly before Maki grabbed the back of her sweater dragging her in the process.

Y/n tumbled back almost falling on Maki in the process.

"I am not taking no for an answer young lady" she uttered. "fine but atleast let me put on proper clothes first"

"You have 10 minutes."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

The two made their way down to the field which was surprisingly empty? where were the other students?

You asked Maki about this and the only response she gave was. "there probably all sleeping or out on missions"

On a Saturday bitch? I'd rather sleep in than go out and kill curses i wouldn't want none of that after curse scent on my pretty uniform. (idk either).

They did sprints, jogging and many more small warm-up exercises. Maki also made y/n practice using her cursed objects which y/n found entertaining—thou she struggled a bit at first.

Y/n eventually got to know maki more and even though they had very little in common they got along really well.

They trained for 4 more hours until Maki decided to stop torturing y/n.

They parted ways and y/n headed back to her dorm and Maki did the same.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

After she arrived, she headed straight for her shower cleaning off the excess sweat and after stench off her body, she began humming as she showered lost in her own little world.

She started thinking about megumi and how he was doing, because you know at the party he was acting a little strange? she thought she'd check up on him after her shower.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Grabbing her towel she wrapped it around her figure and made her way into her bedroom.

There she saw megumi standing, phone in hand him paying attention to whatever the hell was on that phone.

He didn't even hear her exit her bathroom, too occupied with whatever he was doing.

"Oh hey megumi wassup? was there something you needed" Still forgetting she was only wearing a towel. (😭)

"Hey y/n—" oh.

"Y/n you do realize your in a towel right now? aren't you gonna kick me out or something?" He said looking away from the girl that was standing infront of him naked as ever with only a towel around her figure.

"And why would I do that?" she responded placing her pj's on her bed and walking up to the tall slim male who was a blushing mess.

Megumi finally looked down at her, she was inches away from him, his lips as a matter of fact.

"Y/n" he said blankly. "this is a dangerous game your playing here" he said, she could have sworn she saw a hint of lust in his eyes, but she knew he was holding himself back.

"What if I like danger?" She responded running a finger along his shoulder eventually reaching his chest which was covered in his t-shirt. (guys i didn't know how to describe this im sorry😭).

He grabbed her hand—not roughly but in a gentle way, they made eye contact and you could literally see the lust in both of their eyes.

"You can leave now, I'm think I'll be alright" y/n muttered smiling in the process.

She didn't know what was happening but all she knew was she liked this game they were playing—that's if it was a game.

He let go of her hand disappointment evident in his eyes, he didn't say anything more only opened her door and left in one swift motion.

After he left y/n closed her door properly leaning against the door frame in the process.

what the fuck just happened and what the fuck did I just do—he's my bestfriend why was I flirting with him like I've done this before.

She began to panic she was so confused, but why did she kinda like it when he started flirting back? oh my god.

She groaned making her way to her bed as she changed into her pj's flopping onto her bedsheets, she grabbed her phone calling nobara to share what had happened.

She was confused but she knew what the hell she was doing.


Yall—😭 idk what the
hell I did but I kinda liked
how this chapter turned out.
also please let me know if you like this writing style or I should go
back to my old one.
-Anyways tysm for reading! ♡
⚜ 991 words.

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