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chapter twelve
"baking pt 2"

A/n: sorry for going mia I've been depressed(still am).


The warm aroma of vanilla and chocolate filled the lounge area of the school as students bustled around, preparing for the second round of their now-famous bake-off. The competition had started as a lighthearted rivalry between Yuji and Megumi, but it had quickly turned into an event everyone looked forward to. After all, who could resist free cake?

Y/n stood by the counter, carefully mixing ingredients for her frosting. She had been roped into the competition as a judge, but this time, she decided to contribute a little something of her own—a batch of cupcakes to complement the cakes Megumi and Yuji were baking.

Across the room, megumi was meticulously measuring out flour, his focus intense. On the other hand, yuji was a whirlwind of motion, tossing ingredients into a bowl with reckless abandon, his trademark grin never leaving his face.

"You sure you don't need a recipe for that, yuji?" y/n teased, raising an eyebrow as she watched him.

"Recipes are for the weak!" yuji declared, laughing as he stirred the batter with enthusiasm. isn't that what happened the last time why we rated this mf cake partially low?

Megumi shot a glance at y/n, his eyes narrowing slightly as he noticed the playful banter between her and yuji. He tightened his grip on the whisk, trying to focus on his own task. But the thought of y/n smiling at yuji, made his chest tighten in a way he didn't quite understand. they also kissed at the welcome party yikes.

Y/n caught the look and couldn't resist poking at megumi's jealousy a bit more. "you know, yuji's cake was pretty good last time. I wonder if he'll surpass you today."

Megumi's eyes flashed with determination. "don't count on it," he muttered, pouring his batter into the cake pan with a little more force than necessary.

As the cakes baked, the lounge filled with chatter and laughter. The Students gathered around, eagerly anticipating the results of the bake-off. Y/n finished her cupcakes and arranged them neatly on a tray, adding a final swirl of frosting to each one.

When the cakes were finally ready, the smell was irresistible. Yuji's cake was rich chocolate with layers of whipped cream and strawberries, while Megumi's was a classic vanilla sponge with a delicate lemon glaze. now how did yuji manage to make that if all he did was throw random ingredients? 😭.

The moment of truth arrived as y/n, along with a few other students, sat down to taste the cakes. She cut a piece of yuji's creation first, the chocolate moist and decadent. She had to admit, it was better than his last attempt, the flavors balanced perfectly.

"Wow, yuji, this is amazing!" y/n exclaimed, taking another bite. "eh? let me try that" nobara sprung up afterward. she grabbed a slice and immediately melted - now she really had to admit yujis cake was way better than last time.

Yuji beamed, clearly pleased with himself. "I told you y/n, no recipe needed!"

Next, y/n moved on to megumi's cake. The vanilla sponge was light and airy, the lemon glaze adding just the right amount of tanginess. It was delicious, but as she chewed, she noticed megumi watching her intently, his expression unreadable.

"It's really good, megumi," she said, smiling at him. "you've definitely stepped up your game.""Thanks," Megumi replied, though his eyes flicked to yuji, who was still basking in y/n's praise.

The other students weighed in, and after much deliberation, it was decided that yuji's cake was the winner this time. The room erupted in cheers as yuji accepted his victory with mock humility, bowing and thanking his "fans."

Megumi, however, was less amused. He knew it was just a friendly competition, but seeing y/n so impressed with yuji's cake, and the way she seemed to enjoy teasing him about it, stirred something in him he didn't like to admit.

As the celebration died down and the students began to disperse, y/n approached Megumi, noticing the hint of frustration in his eyes.

"You know, your cake was really good," she said softly, trying to offer some consolation."It wasn't good enough," Megumi replied, his tone more serious than she expected.

Y/n tilted her head, studying him. "you know, you don't have to be perfect all the time. It's okay to lose sometimes."

Megumi looked at her, his expression softening slightly. "It's not about losing... It's about..." He hesitated, searching for the right words. "It's about wanting to impress you."y/n's breath caught in her throat, her heart skipping a beat. She hadn't expected him to be so straightforward. "Megumi..."

He quickly looked away, his cheeks flushing. "never mind. It's stupid."

Y/n placed a hand on his arm, forcing him to meet her gaze. "It's not stupid. I'm flattered, really. But you don't have to compete with yuji for my attention. I'm here with you, aren't I?"

Megumi's eyes softened as he looked at her, the tension in his shoulders easing. "Yeah, you are."

Y/n smiled, giving his arm a reassuring squeeze. "so, how about next time we bake something together? no competition, just us."

A small smile tugged at Megumi's lips. "I'd like that."


⚜848 words.

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