Bruised and Broken. (Franks pov)

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I had to see him. I had to comfort him and assure him that everything was going to be okay.

The nurse came back in the room "you are allowed to leave frank but I don't recommend it." I want to see Gerard.

"Shit my phone" I whispered under my breath. I reached in my backpack and pulled out my phone. ONE NEW MESSAGE it read. It was from Gerard. "I can't be your burden anymore Frank... I don't want to see you get hurt."

Tears. That's all that I felt.running down my face, dripping down on my phone. It's funny how you put so much work into one relationship and then watch it crumble. I'm so done.I'M done. There is no reason why our relationship can't work out. We love or "loved" each other. It was a lie. A big fat horrible lie. I never thought that it would end but I was wrong again. I love him. I poured my heart and soul into this relationship and I get my heart crushed like a bug. A bruised and Brocken heart.

I don't want it to be over but I guess it has to be. It was the first day of school and I ruined it. I can't keep letting my anger take over.

I know I love him. I know that it can be repaired, but I feel like we are both to weak. To weak to try, to weak to breathe. It's like we're both drowning and the only way out is to get over the bad emotions.

Some people say that true love can never be broken... but I say that true love isn't true unless it's Broken sometimes. I don't know if this is just a bump in the road, or is it the end. But I guess that all relationships have problems and the only way to make the bond stronger is to get through it. But I honestly don't know if we can get through it. I love him more than I can ever love myself. But this is where I have to stop and think if it's all worth the pain.

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