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Julian didn't see Robby out the window during the night and only got a glimpse of him in the morning - the boy wearing a green varsity-style jacket over a gray tank top. He wore a frown on his face and left in a hurry with a duffle bag swung over his shoulder before Julian could go outside and say hello.

The bus ride to school went as smoothly as it could, but only when the siblings spotted their new friends after they exited the bus did Julian relax.

People took notice of the new students almost immediately, and they weren't discreet about it either. Not all of the attention was good attention, though. Julian still wasn't sure why there was a muscly Asian kid with spiky hair glaring at him as he walked down the hallway beside Demetri - who had been showing him to his locker.

The day started well with English and Science - although it was a bit challenging to figure out where they were in the curriculum and what they had already covered. He was decent at both subjects, but he struggled slightly more with science and memorizing all the formulas and laws.

Julian was glad to see he was in the same period as Lexi, Hawk, Miguel, Demetri, and a few other kids from the dojo for lunch. He spent a large chunk of the time figuring everybody out and what type of friend he would be to them - what boundaries he shouldn't cross. He had learned years ago that if he could change himself to appeal to other people, then they could become better friends, and it had less chance of turning bad if something ever happened.

The boy was laughing by the end of the eating period, jaws aching from constantly smiling. Nearing the end of lunch, Lexi stood up to throw her empty lunch tray away, and out of nowhere, the kid from earlier with spiky jet-black hair and a smirk walked up to her.

"You shouldn't hang out with those losers, trust me." He explained, using a tone that made Julian close to standing up and using slightly aggressive words toward him. But he knew, though, that his sister could handle herself, even as the boy touched her arm flirtatiously in a way that sent the entire lunch table on edge.

"I promise I'm much cooler - I'm Kai, by the way."

Lexi gave Kai a sweet smile - one Julian recognized and loved.

She picked Kai's hand up delicately and then dropped it off her shoulder as her gaze narrowed, "I believe I can make my own decisions, thank you."

She turned around, shaking her head as she rolled her eyes, muttering under her breath about idiotic boys.

Hawk looked like he was about to yell after the boy, but Lexi shook her head in exasperation, "Just ignore them."

"I'm guessing that was the famous Cobra Kai you all are enemies with?" Julian questioned, putting together the pieces as the whole group, including him, gave unfriendly looks at the words toward the lunch table where Kai had gone to sit.

"You guessed right," Miguel said as they all stood up, hearing the bell that symbolized the end of lunch. None of the students offered any more information, leaving the twins with more questions.

PE and Pre-Calculus went alright, although Julian couldn't say he cared for either one very much - no matter how good he was at math, it felt more like a chore than a hobby. What he did like about it was that moment where everything clicked, and his hand would hurriedly scribble down the answer.

He was a bit relieved to not share Pre-Cal with someone he had met, using the period to take a breather and feel himself relax into the blissful state of numbness. Ignoring the side-eye he was getting from many people in the class, he doodled random stars on a notebook, eventually connecting all of them to form a constellation.

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