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Although Sensei Lawrence had agreed to give the 'nerd girl' a chance, when the four Eagle Fang students showed up at the school, they couldn't find him. After ten more minutes outside, Bert - who'd suggested the girl, Devon - led the group to the auditorium where she was slotted to compete in a debate that day.

Julian hadn't even gone to the part of the school he stood in now, despite attending classes in the freakishly large building for multiple months. Lexi had only gone once to see a play her science lab partner (and also brief fling) directed.

Watching Devon take the stand, Julian felt reminded of her utter brilliance. He was smart, being in a math level two above the usual 11th grade, but she was a year younger, meaning three years above her own math level never. They'd never conversed, but he knew she was quick to think and always raised her hand in class.

Taking the stand, she stood patiently as her opponent made his opening argument. When it was her turn to start, she began in strides, commanding the room with her strong tone.

Julian didn't understand half the words she said, and after a minute, he still felt on the fence about her being a good option for Eagle Fang. Debating was a good life skill, but karate needed fierceness and dedication. But still, they couldn't let Lexi battle alone without support.

Around the four-minute mark, his train of thought was interrupted by his Sensei abruptly appearing, sitting with a slight huff next to Miguel. He placed his weird black duffel bag beside the seat.

"Sensei, what are you doing here? I thought debate was for nerds." The Hispanic boy recited his earlier words.

"It is. Which is why we're ditching it." Lexi raised an expectant eyebrow for an explanation. "You're right. I'm not giving up on the girl's competition. I'm thinking outside the box. Look."

Raising the bag and passing it to Miguel, he unzipped it as the twins rose in their seats to see around Bert, trying to see what was inside.

"Oh, we're totally fucked." Lexi groaned as she said as the man pulled out a tangled blond wig and floral dress. Both looked like they'd sat in the bottom of a dirty closet for 20 years.

"You ever seen the movie Ladybugs? I had to sit through it one night with a babe, long story. Anyway, this coach, the guy gets no respect. He's got this all-girls soccer team that totally sucks. So he gets his own stepson to dress like a chick, and they start winning."

"So, you want me to dress up like a girl?" The boy sitting next to him said with a grimace.

"What? No - I need you to win the boys' competition. I'm thinking of Penis Breath. Not the best fighter, but he might stand a shot against most of the chicks. Lexi could definitely kick the shit out of the rest. What do you think?"

"I'm thinking a lot of things. I don't know where to start." Miguel scratched his head awkwardly. Before he could start, raised voices on the stage interrupted them.

"My opponent is completely full of crap! His evidence is garbage, his arguments don't make sense, and I was bored to death. Which is ironic, considering we're debating the death penalty."

The opposer scoffed, turning to the judges. "Uh, you're not gonna deduct points for lack of decorum?"

"Screw decorum!" Julian was in awe as he and the other Eagle Fangs leaned forward, shocked into silence as they hung onto every word she said. "Wanna know what I really think of the death penalty?"

Devon briskly walked over to the boy's stand, grabbing his book off the polished wood. She then proceeded to rip it down the middle, half-shoving, and half-throwing it towards him as he shouted, "My book!"

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