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The walk to Miyagi-Do was silent.

Lexi and Julian were on either side of Hawk like protectors, looking back every minute to confirm Cobra Kai hadn't followed them.

The girl had an arm around the now mohawk-less boy, whispering comforting words to no avail.

Her brother walked silently, not quite finding words to say to either of them. Anger and betrayal simmered in his blood, but also worry and regret. Robby had knowingly gone after Hawk, but he'd also tried to call it off. Now he and Kai were fighting - but what were the chances he would lose and get seriously hurt?

What did Julian do now? Once everyone at the dojo found out about the incident, they'd have renewed hatred for the Cobra Kai's, the boy next door included.

Hawks' hoodie covered the mostly shaved head and tufts of hair. Once, Julian had spoken up - offering to stop at a convenience store and grab something to even it all out, but the boy had just shook his head.

He hadn't even commented on the dialogue between Julian and Robby - the way both boys clearly knew each other on a first-name basis. Everything was so confusing and twisted, and after the amount of drama and fear he had gone through during the last move, he would do almost anything to stay away. But he wouldn't abandon his friends and sister - never.

By the time they arrived at the dojo, he could see the two senseis grouped around the students, staring at a phone attached to a selfie stick that one of them held.

For a moment, Hawk looked as if he was going to back out, but slowly he continued his advance with the boy and girl at his sides.

"Hawk?" Miguel had been the first to look up, rushing towards his friend. The twins stepped closer to the pale boy as more faces turned, doing their best to act as emotional support.

"Shit, Eli, what happened?" Demetri said, looking to Julian for an answer and then to Lexi when the boy bit his lip and looked down.

"The Cobra Kai's ambushed us at the tattoo shop," She spoke, sighing, turning to Hawk as he gently pulled his hood back, revealing the sad tattered remains of his mohawk.

A silence fell over the group as many inhaled sharply; everyone centered on the trio that had just walked in and the two Senseis, wondering what they would do.

Sensei Lawrence stepped forward, a grim look on his face. "They did this?" After a nod from Lexi, he sighed, clenching his teeth. "Kreese and Silver did this; they need to pay."

"Jesus, Johnny, please. Kreese tried to kill you last time - what, do you want to fight them both?" Larusso interrupted.

"Damn right I do; look what they did!"

"Dousing the fire with gasoline, that's your answer? Why am I not surprised."

"Sensei, stop," Miguel added, his comment futile as the men continued.

"You still think your way is the only way. You were so proud when they pulled their little sprinkler prank the other day. But if they stood their ground and kicked some ass as I taught them, this never would have happened." Lawrence snapped.

"And if they fight every time they're provoked, where does that lead? Back to the hospital? Or to jail? Come on, just 'cause you spent your share of time in both-"

"Enough, Dad." Sam stepped forward, cutting between them both as she interjected.

"What?" The surprise on her father's face was evident, along with the sting of betrayal.

"Johnny's right. It doesn't matter how many times we stand up to Cobra Kai; if we don't strike back, they're going to keep coming at us."

Turning back to Lawrence, Larusso scoffed. "And you're worried about my influence on your kids? Is this what you want, Johnny? To have my daughter and the rest of my students acting like you?"

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